ERROR (SFE-874): " 50: Unexpected end of line. ERROR (SFE-874): 51: Unexpected end of line. ERROR (SFE-874): 52: Unexpected end of line. ERROR (SFE-874): 53: Unexpected end of line. ERROR (SFE-874): " 54: Unexpected end of line....
ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eslam/ADETutorial_1/cds.lib" 2: Unexpected end of line. Expected equals sign, numeric value or string value. ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eslam/ADETutorial_1/cds.lib" 3: Unexpected end o...
因此,`{-1e15*v'后的表达式部分将被视为注释。 电路读入期间`CD'中的幽灵发出警告。 警告(SFE-1772):"./CSD18563Q5A.lib" 251:找到包含`*'字符的未引用的模糊表达式。 因此,`{-1e15*v'后的表达式部分将被视为注释。 电路读取期间、幽灵在`CSD18563Q5A'中发现错误。 ...
这里一开始频繁的报错 WARNING (SFE-712) ERROR (SFE-874) WARNING (SPECTRE-470) 网上也比较乱(主要是烦了) 然后检查到自己把800.0mv错填800.omv,唉 改了,还在报错 然后又试了一下16707的方法 最后只剩下出现 WARNING (SPECTRE-470) 好像是啥gnd的点没连接什么的 反正来回试...
ERROR (SFE-874): "./CSD18563Q5A.lib" 256: 21: Unexpected numeric value "5.0e-5". Expected end of file or end of line. Cannot run the simulation because of syntax error. Correct the error and rerun the simulation. Can you please share a spectre...
cadence sp..Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eed-server4/Desktop/c
ERROR (SFE-874): "input.scs" 16: Unexpected comma ",". Expected close parenthesis. ERROR (SFE-683): "input.scs" 16: Badly formed parameters statement. ERROR (SFE-874): "input.scs" 16: Unexpected operator "*". Expected end of file or end of line. ...
I am using Cadence 6.13 with mmsim 7.2 I have a problem running simulation that include the nport component. I get the following error: ERROR (SFE-874): "input.scs