I need to characterize a cell that has capacitance and resistance , I specified leafcell, but something went wrong, here is the ERROR: ERROR (SFE-396): "/home/IC/Project/smic18ee_lab/K_library/lab/MODELS/smic18ee_standalone/e2r018_real5v_v0p2_3t_spe.mdl" 839: Model `rnpo2sabe2r'...
ERROR (SFE-868): "input.scs" 26: Unable to open input file `cor_3vna.scs'. No such file or directory. ERROR (SFE-868): "input.scs" 27: Unable to open input file `cor_bip.scs'. No such file or directory. ERROR (SFE-868): "input.scs" 28: Unable to open input file `cor_...
When I create a new working library that I attach tmsc18_BCD as technology library to, I cannot run any simulation, I get the following error message: Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-868): "input.scs" 9: Cannot open the input file '/path_to_tsmc18_and_...
这里一开始频繁的报错 WARNING (SFE-712) ERROR (SFE-874) WARNING (SPECTRE-470) 网上也比较乱(主要是烦了) 然后检查到自己把800.0mv错填800.omv,唉 改了,还在报错 然后又试了一下16707的方法 http://t.csdnimg.cn/5LLiz 最后只剩下出现 WARNING (SPECTRE-470) 好像是啥gnd的点没连接什么的 反正来回试...
ERROR (SFE-874): "./CSD18563Q5A.lib" 256: 21: Unexpected numeric value "5.0e-5". Expected end of file or end of line. Cannot run the simulation because of syntax error. Correct the error and rerun the simulation. Can you please share a spectre...
cadence sp..Error found by spectre during circuit read-in. ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eed-server4/Desktop/c
...Errorfoundbyspectredur∈g∘uitread-∈.EℝOR(SFE-3):input.scs190:ideal_balun' is being redefined. It was defined at `input.scs' 77 before. Remove or rename either of them. If I close ADE and reopen it, the simulation runs again without any problems. In the input.scs the ...
PCR 702043: SFE does not support the reading of .data entries from external files . 11 PCR 705288: SFE does not support the controlled source frequency response table for Spice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 15: M0 is an instance of an undefined model xxx. 1 2 3 这里一般有以下几种解决方法: 1. 在ams中,未添加有效的view / lib 需要在蓝色框内添加有效的库文件,使得红色框内没有报错信息 2. 器件命名错误 调用器件时,编辑器件特性时 Model name必须和调用的仿真库中的名...
ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eslam/ADETutorial_1/cds.lib" 3: Unexpected end of line. Expected equals sign, numeric value or string value. ERROR (SFE-874): "/home/eslam/ADETutorial_1/cds.lib" 4: Unexpected end o...