3. In the calculator , choose Special Functions and specify a certain frequency, say 1 Hz, to get a value at that frequency. Pick reasonable frequency. This function will calculate the interpolation. I will simulate 1Hz to 2Hz for 1Hz step, then plot at 1Hz. This is en...
Layer 2: X Windows Within the X window, you can use Motif Window Manager capabilities to open additional windows or start utilities, such as a clock or a calculator. From this environment, you can start the Cadence software. Layer 3: Cadence Software The .cdsinit file is an optional ...
CADENCE使用小技巧 Cadence Tips This page will be updated slowly.∙Install info o Plot o Troubleshooting o Netlist o My comments for the Accuracy ∙Layout ∙Extract
Virtuosity: Sharing Custom SKILL Calculator Functions Virtuosity:The top 3 Post-Layout Enhancements in Analog Design Environment User Guide Configuring the Columns to be Displayed in the Outputs Setup Tab Configuring the Color of the Results Based on their Status Plotting Associated Signals Specifying the...