example.com{reverse_proxy10.0.0.1:443{transporthttp{tls_trusted_ca_certs/path/to/cert.pemtls_server_nameapp.example.com}}} Strip a path prefixbefore proxying; but be aware of thesubfolder problem: example.com{handle_path/prefix/*{reverse_proxylocalhost:9000}} ...
reverse_proxy localhost:8000 tls example@example.com } 将http://yourdomain.com替换为你想要代理的域名或主机名,将 your_backend_server_address 替换为你要代理的后端服务器的地址和端口。 如果caddy 是系统服务,你需要修改它的默认配置文件。通常,caddy 的默认配置文件在/etc/caddy/Caddyfile下。 3.配置 HTTP...
file_server browse } localhost:8080 { respond /health-check 200 respond /hello"Hello, world! 8080"200 } localhost:8081 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } http://localhost:8082 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } https://localhost:8083 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } ...
file_server browse } localhost:8080 { respond /health-check 200 respond /hello "Hello, world! 8080" 200 } localhost:8081 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } http://localhost:8082 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } https://localhost:8083 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 ...
reverse_proxy localhost:16325 tls my@qq.com } 反向代理一般用于后端站点,前端站点则直接可以是静态站点,如果是docker运行的也可以反向代理 以下为静态站点配置,开启https, 站点根目录为/www/vue 1 2 3 4 5 www.mydomain.cf { tls my@qq.com root * /www/vue file_server } 启动caddy 运行以下命令即可...
file_server browse } localhost:8080 { respond /health-check 200 respond /hello "Hello, world! 8080" 200 } localhost:8081 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } http://localhost:8082 { reverse_proxy https://localhost:8080 } https://localhost:8083 { ...
reverse_proxy localhost:8000 tls example@example.com } 将yourdomain.com替换为你想要代理的域名或主机名,将your_backend_server_address替换为你要代理的后端服务器的地址和端口。 如果caddy 是系统服务,你需要修改它的默认配置文件。通常,caddy 的默认配置文件在/etc/caddy/Caddyfile下。
Hello, I am attempting to use Caddy for TLS termination in front of a Varnish cache server. The configuration for hooking up Caddy to Varnish looks like this: reverse_proxy { transport http { proxy_protocol v2 } } The traf...
I am trying to run a server where static files are served from the root and API calls are made through /api/<path> using the following Caddyfile: my.domain.com { route /api/* { uri strip_prefix api/ reverse_proxy http://localhost:8074 } ...
我们通常在部署 web 服务的时候往往会选择 nginx 作为最前面的一个狠角色,它的性能和能力大家也是有目...