A running backend process to proxy toThis tutorial assumes that you have a backend HTTP service running at These commands are for Linux, but the same principles apply to other operating systems.You can get a simple reverse proxy running without a config file, or you can use...
hass.caddy2tutorial.tk #访问方式,一般就是域名,如果要通过ip访问稍微有点麻烦{#花括号里表示这个访问方式提供什么响应 reverse_proxylocalhost:8123 #reverse_proxy就是反向代理,空格后面表示你要把什么地址反向代理给花括号前的访问方式}#web服务配置案例 www.caddy2tutorial.tk{file_server #文件服务 root * /par...
If you've only got a minute,the website has several quick-start tutorialsto choose from! However, after finishing a quick-start tutorial, please read more documentation to understand how the software works. 🙂 Overview Caddy is most often used as an HTTPS server, but it is suitable for ...
jellyfin.caddy2tutorial.tk{reverse_proxylocalhost:8096}hass.caddy2tutorial.tk{reverse_proxylocalhost:8123}www.caddy2tutorial.tk{root * /part/to/www file_server} 如此配置,Caddy 2会为每个域名单独申请一个SSL证书。但是当申请的证书过多时,可能会触发Let's Encrypt的速率限制,所以就需要泛域名证书。 https...
Caddy uses HTTPS for all sites by default, as long as a host name is provided in the config. This tutorial assumes you want to get a publicly-trusted site (i.e. not "localhost") up over HTTPS, so we'll be using a public domain name and external ports. ...
location/{proxy_set_headerHost$host;proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-For$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_passhttp://localhost:port;} 在Caddyfile里就可以这样写: example.com{# reverse_proxy 和 localhost:port 中间有个 [<matcher>]# 这里不写代表 all,和 glob 里的 * 同理# 你也可以显式配置成自己...
# Proxy the Root directory reverse_proxy { } } Run the Caddy container: docker run -d --name caddy -p 3000:80 -p 3100:443 -v caddy:/data -v /storage/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile -v caddy_config:/config caddy:cf ...
I’m really struggling to get the configuration right, I have the common errorThe reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nex...
Use Caddy for reverse proxy, active and passive health checks, load balancing, circuit breaking and caching. It has everything Built-in with no dependencies so it runs great in containers. Which makes it simple to install and simple to upgrade. Caddy has its own apt repos for Debian-based ...
Caddy’s documentation provides a fantastic breakdown of what’s possible, while the Caddyfile Tutorial guides you step-by-step. The steps mentioned above describe resources that’ll exist within your Caddy container, not those that exist on your local machine. Because of this, it’s often ...