在realtime插件包中的README中写到:Create a folder somewhere on your system that is accessible to the apache user for writing. 在官网的文档中对于Installation中也写到:You need to also create a folder somewhere on you system that is accessible to the apache user for writing.This folder should bo...
开始安装cacti 浏览器打开http: note:Cacti Installation Guide 编译安装的需要确认以下路径全部被found rrdtool binary path php binary path snmpwalk binary path snmpget binary path snmpbulkwalk binary path snmpgetnext binary path cacti log file path "finish" -> 进入登陆界面(首次登陆用...
[root@krizna ~]# service crond restart Step 17» Now open http://serverip/cacti in your browser , you can see the cacti installation page. if you are not getting installation page , Disable the firewall ( iptables ) and selinux service on your server . Disable firewall ( Iptables )...
[root@localhost ~]# mysql_secure_installation NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MariaDB SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY! ... Enter current password for root (enter for none): //初始数据库密码为空,直接按回车键 OK, ...
其它所有0.8.6以前的配置已经过时了。你如果保留他们,Cacti也许不会反对,但它们已经不再被要求了。Cacti现在已经发布二进制的安装包,因此,a full installation of Cygwin is not longer required. 如果你已经安装了Cygwin,或是计划安装它,那么需要从c:\cactid目录下删除三个DLL文件和SH.EXE文件 ...
Domain installation still in progress. You can reconnect to the console tocompletethe installation process. 3、登录 cactiEZ 服务器 用户名:root 密码:CactiEZ [root@CactiEZ ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0DEVICE="eth0"BOOTPROTO="static"DNS1=""GATEWAY=""HOST...
方法/步骤 1 安装配置CactiWeb服务(1)安装rrdtool、net-snmp以及相关依赖包(使用CentOSyum命令安装)yuminstallrrdtoolnet-snmprrdtool-develnet-snmp-develnet-snmp-utilsnet-snmp-pythonnet-snmp-perllm_sensors-develfile-develrpm-develfileintltoollibart_lgpllibart_lgpl-develelfutilspango-devel*cairo-devel*cairo...
点击“Next”进入下一页“Cacti Installation Guide”(Cacti安装指南) 查看后确认无误,点击“Finish”完成,这时可以看到登录界面,默认用户名:admin,默认 密码:admin 第一次登录时会要求更改密码 更改密码后会进入管理页面 至此Cacti在CentOS上的安装完成了,但这也只是万里长征第一步,下面插件配置的工作 ...
echo-e"\ny\n123456\n123456\ny\nn\ny\ny\n"| /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation mysql_tzinfo_to_sql/usr/share/zoneinfo/ | mysql -uroot -p123456 mysql mysql-uroot -p123456 -e'create database if not exists cacti;use cacti; source /var/www/html/cacti/cacti.sql;'mysql-e"CREATE USER ...
of resources to remote data collectors. Even when connectivity to the main Cacti installation is lost from remote data collector, it will store collected data until connectivity is restored. Remote data collection only requires MySQL and HTTP/HTTPS access back to the main Cacti installation location...