Check out the mainCactiweb site for downloads, change logs, release notes and more! Given the large scope of Cacti, the forums tend to generate a respectable amount of traffic. Doing your part in answering basic questions goes a long way since we cannot be everywhere at once. Contribute to...
平台:Windows2003 需要安装的软件: Apache2.0.63 PHP5.2.2 MySQL5.1.50 cacti-0.8.7g cygwin1.7.6-1需在线安装 rrdtool-1.2.15
Check out the mainCactiweb site for downloads, change logs, release notes and more! Given the large scope of Cacti, the forums tend to generate a respectable amount of traffic. Doing your part in answering basic questions goes a long way since we cannot be everywhere at once. Contribute to...
本来是打算用编译的方式安装的;不过考虑到实操的系统是el4,着实太老旧了点儿;就试试yum方式成不成,没成想,有了dag源后,cacti也可以yum安装了;而且发现cacti官网截至06.20.2012下载页面显示的latest version: 0.8.8a和yum方式安装的版本一样; [root@w ~]# yum instal...
Windows 2003下CACTI的安装及配置前期准备: 平台:Windows2003 需要安装的软件: Apache2.0.63 PHP5.2.2 MySQL5.1.50 cacti-0.8.7g cygwin1.7.6-1
Check out the main Cacti web site for downloads, change logs, release notes and more!Community forumsGiven the large scope of Cacti, the forums tend to generate a respectable amount of traffic. Doing your part in answering basic questions goes a long way since we cannot be everywhere at ...
nagios监控windows客户端的方式有通过SNMP、Nsclient、nrpe、本实验我们用的是Nsclient,是通过服务端的Check_nt命令来监控的,而nrpe是通过check_nrpe来监控的5666是nrpe的通信端口,12489是Check_nt和Nsclient通信的端口号。下载地址系统是多少位就下载多少位 ...
MSDN地址: 微PE地址: 1.下载WIN PE到电脑,并安装。 2,下载WIN10系...MyEclipse卡在打开页面,解决办法 最近使用IDEA很久没打开MyEclipse2017打开发现卡住了,本来以为是只是单纯的卡了,重启电脑无效,查找到了一个解决办法如下: 找到安装目录下...
下载地址: [url][/url] 3个download的就是了。 第一步,导入模板 import templates Import Template from Local File-cacti_graph_templ cacti 休闲 interface templates link-status 原创 2009-03-10 10:03:15 10000+阅读 2点赞 4评论 ...
Check out the main Cacti web site for downloads, change logs, release notes and more!Community forumsGiven the large scope of Cacti, the forums tend to generate a respectable amount of traffic. Doing your part in answering basic questions goes a long way since we cannot be everywhere at ...