When exploring new environments animals form spatial memories that are updated with experience and retrieved upon re-exposure to the same environment. The hippocampus is thought to support these memory processes, but how this is achieved by different subnetworks such as CA1 and CA3 remains unclear....
Prince (1982) Enkephalin inhibi- tion of inhibitory input to CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus. Brain Res. 249: 271-280.M a s u k a w a , L. M. and D. A. Prince. Enkephalin inhibition of inhibitory input to CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hip p o c ...
widelydistributedandexpressedinthehippocampus,and involvedintheprocessoflearningandmemory. 【Keywords】5HT;Hippocampus;CA1,CA2andCA3; Expression 海马(hippocampus)属于大脑的边缘系统,包括CA1、CA2、CA3 和CA4区。CA4区邻接齿状回,CA1区与副下托相连,在结构上无明 显分界标志,功能上可视为一个整体。有实验研究表...
hippocampusglutamate receptorsynapseultrastructureprotein expressionExcess glutamate release from the presynaptic membrane has been thought to be the major cause of ischemic neuronal death. Although both CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons receive presynaptic glutamate input, transient cerebral ischemia induces CA1 ...
海马体(Hippocampus),位于大脑丘脑和内侧颞叶之间,属于边缘系统的一部分,主要负责短时记忆的存储转换和定向等功能。 海马体中有三种主要类型的兴奋性神经元:齿状回(DG)颗粒细胞将它们的轴突(苔藓纤维)投射到CA3锥体细胞。这些CA3神经元会和其他CA3神经元形成突触,并将轴突(Schaffer collateral)投射到CA1的锥体细胞上。
性应激引起的神经精神疾病的治疗机制,可能是通过拮抗CA1、CA3区神经细胞凋亡而起作用。 [关键词] 细胞凋亡;应激;海马;西酞普兰 [中图分类号] R363 [文献标识码] A Preventivefunctionofcitalopramonneuro——cellapoptosiscausedbylong — —termstressinCA1andCA3regionofhippocampus ...
The calculation of hippocampal subregions confirmed the estimates that the volume of CA1 (547.1 mm3) is about half of the entire hippocampal formation (Sub 289 mm3, CA2 41.6 mm3, CA3 55.6 mm3, CA4 110 mm3 and DG 110 mm3). Fig. 1: Single image analysis. a, Cell body...
Background and Purpose CA1 pyramidal neurons in hippocampus die while CA3 neurons survive after transient ischemia. The imbalance of excitation and inhibition may contribute to this selective vulnerability. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphological basis of the above hypothesis. Methods...
意义(P<0.05).结论:缺血组,缺血再灌注组大鼠学习记忆功能明显损伤.其海马CA1,CA3区及齿状回 CaN表达明显增多,提示海马内CaN可能与大鼠脑缺血致学习记忆障碍有关. 关键词脑缺血;学习记忆;海马;钙神经素;水迷宫:大鼠 TheexpressionofCaNinCA1,CA3anddentategyrusofratmodeloflearningandmemorydisorder ...