C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors have been characterized from a wide variety of organisms,including animals,plants and fungi,and they are involved in the physiological processes such as growth,development and stress responses. In this study,a gene FpCzf7 encoding C2H2 zinc finger transcription ...
转录因子(transcription factors)能够结合特定 的 DNA 位点,通过 DNA- 蛋白互作,蛋白 - 蛋白互 作或者染色质结构的改变来激活或抑制基因的转录. 其中,C2H2 锌指(Cys2/His2 Zinc-Finger,CZF)转 录因子是真核生物中普遍存在的一类庞大的转录因 子家族,在人类中有 700 多个 C2H2 锌指转录因子[6], 拟南芥(...
c2h2 型锌指对生物大分子的识别c2h2 zinc-finger - 药学学报.pdf,834 药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 20 13, 48 (6): 834 84 1 C2H2 型锌指对生物大分子的识别 多* ( 中国医学科学院、北京协和医学院药物研究所, 天然药物活性物质与功能国家重点实验室, 北京 100050)
Cys2-His2 zinc-finger proteins (C2H2-ZNFs) constitute the largest class of DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) yet remain largely uncharacterized. Although certain family members, e.g., GTF3A, have been shown to bind both DNA and RNA, the extent to which C2H2-ZNFs interact with—and ...
The present discovery would be helpful for deeper understanding of the regulatory mechanism of a gene with tandem repetitive domains and should have potential to understand and cure diseases caused by abnormality in such transcription factors as C2H2-ZNF proteins....
Genome-wide identification and expression analyses of C2H2 zinc finger transcription factors in Pleurotus ostreatus [J]. PeerJ, 2022, 10: e12654. [20] 吴端, 李文佳, 姚辉, 等. 冬虫夏草菌 C2H2 基因家族鉴 定及其在砷胁迫下表达分析 [J]. 菌物研究 , 2020, 18(2): 110-120. [21] Chen S...
Abstract an member factorswhichexists The ofzinc is of family fingerproteinsimportant transcription in and all rolein and cukaryote.Zincproteins importantgrowth widelyprokaryote finger PLaY inbothanimalsand ofzinc isC2H2 development plants.Thebiggestsubfamilyfingerproteins as and zinc functionsa ofDNA-bindi...
Cys2-His2 zinc finger (C2H2-ZF) proteins represent the largest class of putative human transcription factors. However, for most C2H2-ZF proteins it is unknown whether they even bind DNA or, if they do, to which sequences. Here, by combining data from a modified bacterial one-hybrid system...
factorswithzinc domainthat isoneofthe finger regulatesgene Abstract:Zincfingerprolein importanttranscription inthe wifll DNA ele’ organismsmaialybyspecificallyinteractinglarger sequence(cis—acting expressioneukaryotic into of as 111enl)heouldbedividedseveraltypeszincfingerproteins.such Of zinc is C2C2C2C2...
zinc-finger proteins in eukaryotes, but the most numerous are the Kruppel-type C2H2 ZFPs. Many of these proteins contain either multiple tandem pairs of zinc-fingers or tandem arrays of three or more zinc-fingers. As transcription factors, they participate generally in the fundamental mechanism ...