This header utility is a testing framework for C programs. It is a fork ofsiu/mununitthat adds several assertions that are not in the base library. License (MIT) information is contained in the header file. NONE- There are no needed compiler flags for theminunit.htesting framework. ...
Lightweight C utility library. Contribute to 3541/liba3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
C++ overloads of math library functions In previous versions, <math.h> defined some, but not all, of the C++ overloads for the math library functions. The rest of the overloads were in the <cmath> header. Code that only included <math.h> could have problems with function overload ...
cumulative physical r cumulative service ta cumulative sum distri cumulative utility cumulativerulingerror cumulus crystal cumunicazione cun chu mo ping cun hou cun xiao cun-jie hu cun-xu wei cuneate le edeza cuneibarba h smith cuneiform process cuneone cunilingus cunningham cunninghamia r br cunning...
P0466R5 Library support for layout-compatibility and pointer-interconvertibility traits VS 2019 16.10 20 P0475R1 Guaranteed Copy Elision For Piecewise Construction VS 2019 16.10 20 P0591R4 Utility Functions For Uses-Allocator Construction VS 2019 16.10 20 P0608R3 Improving variant's Co...
cooperative learning cooperative library a cooperative processin cooperative programme cooperative surplus cooperativecreditasso cooperator coopers creek coordinate company ve coordinate grids dele coordinate linkage coordinate measuring coordinate the relati coordinate triangle coordinate with coordinate with the r ...
当然这样很不方便,也不容易定制组件。我使用cmake比较多,所以一直以来在我的atframework项目集中有一个 utility 项目atframe_utils,里面包含一些常用的构建脚本。 并且在atsf4g-co中实现了一些简单的包管理和构建流程。 但是随着依赖日益复杂,在增加依赖和更新依赖的时候,测试多个包之间的兼容性也变得更加频繁,有时候...
If I wrap an stb library in a new library, does the new library have to be public domain/MIT? No, because it's public domain you can freely relicense it to whatever license your new library wants to be. What's the deal with SSE support in GCC-based compilers?
Utility ValidateAggregation ValidateDocument ValidatedScript ValidatedScriptError ValidatedScriptExcluded ValidatedScriptWarning ValidateModel ValidateShelveset ValidateTestStep ValidateWarning ValidationRule ValidationSummary ValueType ValueTypeInternal ValueTypePrivate ValueTypeProtected ValueTypePublic ValueTypeSea...