The file utils library provides utility functions to deal with basic file system operations. From determining if a file exists, to making directories, to reading in a file and parsing out the lines. All functions are documented within thefileutils.hfile. ...
Lightweight C utility library. Contribute to 3541/liba3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
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cumulative physical r cumulative service ta cumulative sum distri cumulative utility cumulativerulingerror cumulus crystal cumunicazione cun chu mo ping cun hou cun xiao cun-jie hu cun-xu wei cuneate le edeza cuneibarba h smith cuneiform process cuneone cunilingus cunningham cunninghamia r br cunning...
add_library(utilitySTATICutility.cpp)target_include_directories(utilityPUBLIC${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) 核心功能库(lib/core/CMakeLists.txt) 类似地,这个文件定义了一个动态库,并指定了库的源文件和头文件目录。 add_library(coreSHAREDcore.cpp)target_include_directories(corePUBLIC${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE...
In previous versions, <math.h> defined some, but not all, of the C++ overloads for the math library functions. The rest of the overloads were in the <cmath> header. Code that only included <math.h> could have problems with function overload resolution. Now the C++ overloads have ...
当然这样很不方便,也不容易定制组件。我使用cmake比较多,所以一直以来在我的atframework项目集中有一个 utility 项目atframe_utils,里面包含一些常用的构建脚本。 并且在atsf4g-co中实现了一些简单的包管理和构建流程。 但是随着依赖日益复杂,在增加依赖和更新依赖的时候,测试多个包之间的兼容性也变得更加频繁,有时候...
The Fortran 95 compiler,f95, provides an include file,,that defines the interfaces for most non-intrinsic library routines. Include this file to insure that functions you call and their arguments are properly typed, especially when default data types are changed with-xtypemap. ...
ananas - A C++11 RPC framework based on future and protobuf, with utility: timer,ssl,future/promise,log,coroutine,etc Apache C++ Standard Library - STDCXX, A collection of algorithms, containers, iterators, and other fundamental components. APR - Apache Portable Runtime. Another library of cross...