C≡N triple bond cleavage via trans-membrane hydrogenation. Chem. Catal. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.checat.2022.02.005 (2022). Article PubMed Google Scholar Brotzel, F., Chu, Y. C. & Mayr, H. Nucleophilicities of primary and secondary amines in water. J. Org. Chem. 72, 3679–...
Article 01 July 2024 Radical-triggered translocation of C–C double bond and functional group Article 09 September 2024 Copper-catalysed benzylic C–H coupling with alcohols via radical relay enabled by redox buffering Article 24 February 2020 Data...
commercial bill of ex commercial bill of la commercial bills commercialblanketbond commercialblastcleani commercial blockade commercialbody commercial bolt commercial bookkeepin commercial borrowing commercialbrass commercialbreed commercial breeding s commercialbronze commercial building commercial building p commerci...
Group 14 elementsleadmolybdenumtriple bondsMine's a triple! The reaction of cis-[Mo(N2)2(PMe3)4] with (Pb(Br)R)2 affords the red-brown plumbylidyne complex 1 (see scheme), which is the first compound to feature a triple bond to a main-group element of the sixth row. The ...
The processes of cyclative capture, oxygen-atom transfer, and C≡C triple bond cleavage are the key steps of this reaction. The coupling of azoxy compounds 31 with alkynes 114 was conducted using [Cp*RhCl2]2 (2.5 mol%) as a precatalyst, AgSbF6 (10 mol%), Cu(OAc)2 (1.0 equiv), ...
Hydrogen atoms were placed in ideal calculated positions as riding atoms with relative isotropic displacement parameters; bond distances to H-atoms were refined. A rotating group model was applied for methyl groups. The SHELXTL program suite [52] was used for molecular graphics....
The influence of carbon–carbon triple bond polarization on the regiochemistry of the Pauson–Khand reaction has been studied with the B3LYP functional. The regiochemistry determining step of this reaction, i.e., olefin insertion leading to cobaltacycle formation, has been examined with ethylene as...
However, each of the two chains of MIPs has an additional Cys residue (Figure 45C.2), suggesting the existence of an extra disulfide bond between the A- and B-chains (Figure 45C.1). Five MIPs (MIP-I, II, III, V, and VII) have been identified and characterized in L. stagnalis, ...
Imagine stepping on your garden hose a thousand times a day. You will soon notice cracks in the wall of the garden hose. This is the same process that happens in the artery. As these cracks open up, the collagen strands in the wall of the artery are teased apart. The triple helix col...
According to X-ray crystallographic investigations that were carried out on 2 and 4, the oxidation state has a considerable influence on the structure of the Fe2As2Se2 core: significant shortening of the FeFe distance (Δd(FeFe)>0.3 ) and weakening of the AsAs bond length ((Δd(AsAs)>0.3...