Repeat radiographic imaging was normal, but static and dynamic views of the C-spine were normal with no evidence of instability. Sprain of the Subaxial Cervical Spine in Childhood Although Jamal BT et al, claimed that fall was the most frequent cause of C-spine injury with facial fractures an...
with OPLL below the C-2 position in a kyphotic cervical spine. Although typical MRI failed to demonstrate an abnormality of the upper cervical cord in a neutral or extension position, placing the patient in a protruded-...
The maxilla was fixed to the operating table to maintain axial alignment and prevent movement during surgery. A standard ventral median approach to the cervical spine was performed [39]. A median longitudinal incision of the skin and subcutis was made, moving the various planes up to the ...
In the majority of instances, injury at this level results from axial loading of the cervical spine. Lesions were distributed into specific categories: 1) acute intervertebral disc herniation (N = 4), 2) anterior subluxation of C3 on C4 (N = 4), 3) unilateral facet dislocation (N = 6)...
Multi-segment spineSpinal kinematicsSpinal mobilityBackground The effects of inflammation and ankylosis on spinal kinematics of patients with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) are poorly understood. Furthermore, existence of (mal)adaptive movement profiles within axSpA, and differences between movement profiles...
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2. 腰椎MRI横断面 椎间盘水平T2加权像的横断面MRI片(disc-level T2-weighted axial MRI image)。白色轮廓为椎间盘,绿色轮廓为硬膜囊和黄色轮廓为后弓。涂红的区域为椎间神经孔。 L4/5椎间盘的典型腰椎T2加权轴向图 腰椎MRI的L4/5椎间盘水平 腰椎MRI的L5-S1椎间盘横断...
本组所用假体均为ProDisc-C人工颈椎间盘(SynthesSpine公司,美国),为上槽下球设计,球和槽的曲率半径相等,具有固定的COR,使得其只能旋转,而无Prestige LP假体矢状面的相对滑移[5]。ProDisc-C人工颈椎间盘上下两部分贴近鼓面侧各有两条倒齿状的嵴,用以固定于终板沟槽内,为假体提供即刻稳定性。 患者全麻后,取仰卧...
J Neurosurg Spine 2007;7:601–609. 23. Nagashima C, Tsuji R, Kubota S, Tajima K. Atlanto-axial, atlanto-occipital dislocations, developmental cervical canal stenosis in the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. No Shinkei Geka 1981;9:601–608. 24. Janecke AR, Li B, Boehm M, et al. The phenotype ...