At MRI, the capsular structures have homogeneously low signal intensity with all sequences. The ILFL bands and ISFL are best identified in the axial and axial oblique planes (Fig 19). Coronal sections at the anterior capsule depict the ILFL, while sagittal sections demonstrate the PFL (Fig 2...
Lumbar Spine Discs Classification Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Axial View MRIAxial Lumbar disc herniation recognition is a difficult task to achieve, due to many challenges such as complex background, noise, blurry image. Lumbar discs are small joints that lie between each two ...
Figure 13(A). Axial water image and (B). IP image show diffuse nodular synovial mass of the right hip in keeping with PVNS (arrows). (C). Arthroscopic confirmation of the final diagnosis of PVNS/tenosynovial giant cell tumor (arrows) (Color version of figure is available online....
On the other hand, the weight-bearing MRI can mimic the real physiologic conditions to give clinicians a better understanding of the anatomical relationship of the spine and surrounding tissues.Doctor’s point of view Compared with conventional supine MRI, the upright MRI provides a biomechanical ...
5-GAUSSFRINGE FIELD, radial/axial 28 cm/60 cm SHIMMING Passive •View the DATABASE results for 'C-SCAN™' (4). MRI Resources Sequences-MRI Reimbursement-Cochlear Implant-Corporations-MRI Accidents-Case Studies G-SCAN FromEsaote S.p.A.; Esaote introduced the new G-SCAN at the RSNA in...
MRI at 0.55 T of the lumbar spine of a 32-year-old patient with non-radiating lower back pain. A T2-weighted sagittal image shows a subligamental disc herniation L4/5 inferiorly protruded (arrow). B Corresponding axial T2-weighted image at the level of the intervertebral space shows median...
The Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR) Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards Committee identified musculoskeletal infection as a White Paper topic, and selected a Committee, tasked with developing a consensus on nomenclature for MRI of musculoskeletal infection outside the spine. The objective of ...
Figure 4Axial T2-fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) images of participants with white matter hyperintensities (Fazekas score 1–3), were obtained from both conventional (upper) and ACS (lower) protocols. Abbreviation: ACS, artificial intelligence-assisted compressed sensing. ...
Writing in February 2025 in the Asian Spine Journal, (35) the surgeons assessed a total of 1,150 lumbar MRI sets from 100 MRI centers. What they found was that there was no uniformity in MRI assessments. Some patients did not get axial or sagittal images. Many images were not labeled ...
Lumbar Spine T1 SE SagittalLumbar SpineSagittalT1 SE Lumbar Spine T2 FSE AxialLumbar SpineTransverseT2 FSE Lumbar Spine T2 FSE SagittalLumbar SpineSagittalT2 FSE MR Colonography Gadolinium per RectumAbdomenCoronalT1 MRI Liver In PhaseLiverTransverseT1 In Phase ...