示例1: LoadFileToBuffer ▲點讚 7▼ DWORD CDataServer::LoadFileToBuffer(constnString& FileName,char*& Buffer) { CFileStream File;intBytesRead;if(File.Open(FileName, SAM_READ, SAP_SEQUENTIAL)) {intFileSize = File.GetSize(); Buffer = (char*)n_malloc(FileSize); BytesRead = File.Read(...
(buffer, size, nmemb, infile); if (read != nmemb) { perror("Error reading file"); // 处理错误 } // 向文件写入数据 size_t written = fwrite(buffer, size, nmemb, outfile); if (written != nmemb) { perror("Error writing file"); // 处理错误 } fclose(infile); fclose(outfile); ...
fileSize = GetFileSize(pFile,NULL); //得到文件的大小 buffer = (char *) malloc(fileSize); ZeroMemory(buffer,fileSize); dwBytesToRead = fileSize; dwBytesRead = 0; tmpBuf = buffer; do{ //循环读文件,确保读出完整的文件 ReadFile(pFile,tmpBuf,dwBytesToRead,&dwBytesRead,NULL); if (dwBytes...
//@header:stdio.h//@brief:设置指定的缓冲区或关闭缓冲//@param:stream:文件指针;buffer:缓冲区地址//@notice:使用默认缓冲大小BUFSIZ(在stdio.h中定义)voidsetbuf(FILE*stream,char*buffer);//@notice:同setbuf,但可指定缓冲区大小voidsetbuffer(FILE*stream,char*buf,size_t size); 将buffer指定为NULL,关闭...
HRESULT CDVBSub::ParseRegion(CGolombBuffer& gb, WORD wSegLength) { HRESULT hr = E_POINTER;if(m_pCurrentPage) {size_tnExpectedSize =10;size_tnEnd = gb.GetPos() + wSegLength; BYTE id = gb.ReadByte(); POSITION posRegion = FindRegion(m_pCurrentPage, id);if(!posRegion) { ...
BOOL Write(char *buffer, DWORD contentLen) { HANDLE pFile; char *tmpBuf; DWORD dwBytesWrite,dwBytesToWrite; pFile = CreateFile(filePath,GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, //总是创建文件 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if ( pFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("create file error...
fwrite的功能是将文件从buffer中写入到output stream中去,每次写入的字节数为size, 最多可写入count次。 下面通过一个example 来进一步说明fread和fwrite的用法 /* FREAD.C: This program opens a file named FREAD.OUT and * writes 25 characters to the file. It then tries to open ...
int setvbuf ( FILE * stream, char * buffer, int mode, size_t size ); 1. 注意:上面的mode有以下的选择 _IOFBF:Full Buffering:输出操作中,数据在buffer写满后写入物理文件;输入操作中,buffer只有在全为空时才被填写,填充的可能是多行数据; ...
FILE *targetFile = fopen("target.txt", "wb"); if (sourceFile == NULL || targetFile == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file!\n"); return -1; } char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, sourceFile)) > 0) { ...
printf("%s open error!\n", filename); exit(1); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { printf("Please input file name!\n"); exit(1); } FILE *to_fp; FILE *from_fp; char buffer[1024] = {0}; ...