statement: labeled-statement compound-statement expression-statement selection-statement iteration-statement jump-statement try-except-statement /* Microsoft 特定 */ try-finally-statement /* Microsoft 特定 */語句主體通常是「複合語句」。複合語句是由可包含關鍵詞的其他語句所...
for 语句 (C) goto 和标记语句 (C) if 语句 (C) Null 语句 (C) return 语句 (C) static_assert statement (C11) switch 语句 (C) try-except 语句 (C) try-finally 语句 (C) While 语句 (C) 函数(C) C 语言语法摘要 实现定义的行为
goto label; .. . label: statement;在这里,label 可以是任何除 C 关键字以外的纯文本,它可以设置在 C 程序中 goto 语句的前面或者后面。流程图实例实例 #include <stdio.h> int main () { /* 局部变量定义 */ int a = 10; /* do 循环执行 */ LOOP:do { if( a == 15) { /* 跳过迭代 *...
现在开始介绍C语言循环中最后一种循环,也是功能最强大的一种循环:for语句。 程序:显示平方表(改进版) /** * Prints a table of squares using a for statement */ #include<stdio.h> intmain(){ inti, n; printf("This program prints a table of squares.\n"); printf("Enter number of entries in ...
goto error; } } } } return 正常; error: 错误处理; return 出错了; 甚至连条件变量都不用了。如果程序正常,执行到 “return 正常;”语句,直接就返回了。如果程序出错,那就会直接跳转到 error 处,执行错误处理语句,再返回 “出错了”。这里的 error: 叫做标号,给标号起名...
If cond-expression is false (0), execution of the for statement terminates and control passes to the next statement in the program.A for statement also terminates when a break, goto, or return statement within the statement body is executed. A continue statement in a for loop causes loop-ex...
try-except-statement/* Microsoft 专用 */ try-finally-statement/* Microsoft 专用 */ jump-statement? gotoidentifier; continue ; break ; returnoptexpression; __leave ;/* Microsoft 专用1*/ compound-statement? {declaration-listoptstatement-listopt} ...
statement 二选一的if else表达式 7.2.1 另一示例:介绍getchar与putchar() getchar()与putchar()定义在stdio.h头文件中。在处理字符的时候,用起来比较方便 示例代码 #include <stdio.h>#defineSPACE ' 'intmain(void) {charch; ch=getchar();while(ch !='\n') {//对输入进行判断if(ch ==SPACE) ...
出文件错误Expression syntax error表达 式语法错误Extra parameter in call调用 时出现多余错误File name too long文件名太长Function call missing函数调用缺少 右括号Fuction definition out of place 函 数定义位置错误Fuction should return a value函数 必需返回一个值Goto statement missing labelGoto 语句没有标号...
Working of goto Statement Example: goto Statement // Program to calculate the sum and average of positive numbers// If the user enters a negative number, the sum and average are displayed.#include<stdio.h>intmain(){constintmaxInput =100;inti;doublenumber, average, sum =0.0;for(i =1; i...