Using goto statement in C programming language is considered as poor programming approach. The goto statement consists of two parts: label and goto keyword. Example: /*use of goto statement*/ #include<stdio.h.> #include<conio.h> void main(){ int a; goto label; a = 10; printf(“%d”,...
goto statement in C/C++ goto 语句是跳转语句,有时也称为无条件跳转语句。 goto 语句可用于在函数内从任意位置跳转到任意位置。语法: Syntax1 | Syntax2 --- goto label; | label: . | . . | . . | . label: | goto label; 在上述语法中,第一行告诉编译器转到或跳转到标记为标签的语句。这里的 ...
'goto'在编程语境中通常翻译为“跳转到”。 应用场景: 'goto'语句主要用于编程中,特别是在一些较早的编程语言(如C语言)里,用来实现代码的无条件跳转。 造句例句: 中文:在编程时,过度使用goto语句可能会导致代码难以阅读和维护。 英文:In programming, excessive use of the goto statement can ...
goto Statement The goto statement can be used to alter the flow of control in a program. Although the goto statement can be used to create loops with finite repetition times, use of other loop structures such as for, while, and do while is recommended. The use of the goto statement requi...
we search for the first appearance of the given string in the text, and once it is found, the loop is broken with thegotostatement to move control at the end of the program. As a result, thecoutstatement indicating the failure message is skipped and only executed when no string matches ...
In the C programming language, thegotostatement has fewer restrictions and can enter the scope of any variable other than variable-length array or variably-modified pointer. Example Run this code #include <iostream>structObject{// non-trivial destructor~Object(){std::cout<<"d";}};structTrivial...
相信很多程序员都能侃侃而谈,甚至援引到图灵奖得主Dijkstra的经典论文《Go To Statement Considered ...
说明:(当前)=与最后版本之间的差异,(先前)=与上一版本之间的差异,小=小编辑。 (当前 | 先前) 2015年5月22日 (五) 11:21 Admon(讨论 | 贡献) . . (70字节) (+70) . . (以“”为内容创建页面)导航...
In the C programming language, thegotostatement has fewer restrictions and can enter the scope of any variable other thanvariable-length arrayor variably-modified pointer. Keywords goto Example 10 d8 d6 d4 d2 (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) d d ...
goto label; .. . label: statement;在这里,label 可以是任何除 C 关键字以外的纯文本,它可以设置在 C 程序中 goto 语句的前面或者后面。流程图实例实例 #include <stdio.h> int main () { /* 局部变量定义 */ int a = 10; /* do 循环执行 */ LOOP:do { if( a == 15) { /* 跳过迭代 *...