A static class is created using the "Static" keyword in C#. Static classes cannot be instantiated or inherited, but they can be accessed by static members only (static method, static variable, static constructor and etc..) but cannot be accessible to the non-static data members. We cannot ...
也是其应用所在, 比如在对某一个类的对象进行计数时, 计数生成多少个类的实例,就可以用到静态数据成员. 在这里面, static既不是限定作用域的, 也不是扩展生存期的作用, 而是指示变量/函数在此类中的唯一性.这也是”属于一个类而不是属于此类的任何特定对象...
就可以用到静态数据成员. 在这里面, static既不是限定作用域的, 也不是扩展生存期的作用, 而是指示变量/函数在此类中的唯一性. 这也是”属于一个类而不是属于此类的任何特定对象的变量和函数”的含义. 因为它是对整个类来说是唯一的, 因此不可能属于某一个实例对象的. (针对静态数据成员而言, 成员函数不管是...
#include<stdio.h>classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){printf("%d\n",m_x);}private:int m_x;};voidmain(){Point pt;pt.output();} 编译出错:error C2597: illegal reference to data member ‘Point::m_x’ in a static member function 因为静态成员函数属于整个类,在类实例化对象之...
classPoint{public:voidinit(){output();}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Pointpt;Pt.init();pt.output();} 编译通过。 结论4:类的非静态成员函数可以调用用静态成员函数,但反之不能。 使用类的静态成员变量。 #include<stdio.h>classPoint{public:Point(){m_nPointCount++;}~Point(){m_nPointCount-...
classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Pointpt;pt.init();pt.output();} 编译通过。 结论2:类的对象可以使用静态成员函数和非静态成员函数。 在类的静态成员函数中使用类的非静态成员。 #include<stdio.h>classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){printf('%d\n',m_...
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c-class insulation c-oncogene c-onc c-s-h c-tld c-v measurement c climate condition cfcentrifugal force c grandis osbeck var ciacash in advance cip cast-in-place pil co co commercial operati codcash payment on de cof cooling of fuel cp concrete pile crp control of reacto csp contents ...
must have.javasuffixes, class file names must have.classsuffixes, and both source and class files must have root names that identify the class. For example, a class calledMyClasswould be written in a source file calledMyClass.javaand compiled into a bytecode class file calledMyClass.class. ...
Static MethodsExpand table NameDescription GetWndClassInfo Returns a static instance of CWndClassInfo, which manages the window class information. WindowProc Processes messages sent to the window.Data MembersExpand table NameDescription m_pfnSuperWindowProc Points to the window class's original window...