classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Point::init();Point::output();} 编译出错:error C2352: ‘Point::init’ : illegal call of non-static member function 结论1: 不能通过类名来调用类的非静态成员函数。 第二个例子,通过类的对象调用静态成员函数和非静态成员函数 将...
classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Point::init();Point::output();} 报错: 'Point::init':illegal call of non-staticmemberfunction 结论1:不能通过类名来调用类的非静态成员函数。 通过类的对象调用静态成员函数和非静态成员函数。 classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoi...
[tsecer@Harry localstatic]$ gcc localstatic.c -c localstatic.c:2: error: initializer element is not constant localstatic.c: In function ‘bar’: localstatic.c:5: error: initializer element is not constant [tsecer@Harry localstatic]$ g++ localstatic.c -c [tsecer@Harry localstatic]$ objdum...
Can we define a Static function in a class with two other non-static?Is it necessary for every function to be static in static class?Reply Answers (1) Save info from the form to a text file out variable assignment About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms Media Kit Sitemap Report a ...
errorC2440:“static_cast”:无法从“void(__thiscallCXXX::*)(void)”转换为“LRESULT(__thiscallCWnd::*)(WPARAM,LPARAM)”在匹配目标类型的范围内没有具有该名称的函数 1. 2. 解决 首先,把原来的消息函数返回值类型改为LRESULT,函数内可以随便写个returnTRUE; ...
static void Func1() { cout << " In function Func1()." << endl; static CInner myInner1; } static void Func2() { cout << " In function Func2(), m_i1 = " << m_i1 << endl; if(m_i1 < 10) { cout << "m_i1 < 10 and Constructor of CInner won't be called!" <<...
classPoint{public:voidinit(){}staticvoidoutput(){}};voidmain(){Point::init();Point::output();} 报错: 'Point::init':illegal call of non-staticmemberfunction 结论1:不能通过类名来调用类的非静态成员函数。 通过类的对象调用静态成员函数和非静态成员函数。
Compiler warning (level 2) C4356'member': static data member cannot be initialized via derived class Compiler warning (level 3) C4357param array argument found in formal argument list for delegate 'delegate' ignored when generating 'function' ...
t = ~IN_CLASSC_NET;elset =0; } }while(t & p) t >>=1;return(htonl(~t)); } 开发者ID:Andproject,项目名称:platform_external_dhcpcd,代码行数:28,代码来源:dhcp.c 示例3: apply_classful_mask_ipv4 ▲点赞 4▼ /* Utility function to convert ipv4 prefixes to Classful prefixes */voidapp...