在网上找了一下,发现已经有人对此作了详细的介绍:"Pure Virtual Function Called": An Explanation. 这是一篇相当全面的文章,从纯虚函数抽象基类讲起,介绍了对象模型中vptr及vtable的概念以及他们的构造析构过程。有了这些基础,作者然后列出了5中可能出现"pure virtual function call"的情况,其实可以总结为两种: 在...
1) 基类构造器直接调用虚函数; 2)基类析构器直接调用虚函数; 3)基类构造器间接调用虚函数; 4) 基类析构器间接调用虚函数; 5)通过悬垂指针(dangling pointer,又称野指针)调用虚函数。 “dangling pointer”导致的“Pure Virtual Function Called”,在vs2005上测试了并没有出现,因为delete之后,对象的内存值会被修改...
Watched a video full screen and instead of going to the menu it has the error message "Runtime error-R6025-Pure virtual function call". It happens only there and on Firefox v.30 using Flash And it only happens with Firefox cause I used Internet Explorer on...
The function called will be that of the object constructed so far, rather than a possibly overriding function in a derived class. This can be most confusing. Worse, a direct or indirect call to an unimplemented pure virtual function from a constructor or destructor results in undefined behavior...
No object has been instantiated to handle the pure virtual function call. This error is caused by calling a virtual function in an abstract base class through a pointer which is created by a cast to the type of the derived class, but is actually a pointer to the base class. This can oc...
程序:C\WINNT\explorer.exe运行时出错!R6025-pure 纯虚函数调用失败!程序出了 R6025 - pure virtual function call 错误,主要原因是在基类的构造函数中调用了纯虚函数,如果构造函数直接调用纯虚函数,链接时会出错。只有通过一个其它成员函数转调一下。explorer.exe 桌面,2000系统的系统文件,非病毒,...
C中的虚函数(virtualfunction) 一.简介 虚函数是C++中用于实现多态(polymorphism)的机制。核心理念就是通过基类访问派生类定义的函数。假设我们有下面的类层次: class Father { public: virtual void foo() { cout << "Father::foo() is called" << endl;} ...