void FMassEntityManager::BuildEntity(FMassEntityHandle Entity, TConstArrayView<FInstancedStruct> FragmentInstanceList, const FMassArchetypeSharedFragmentValues& SharedFragmentValues) { checkf(IsProcessing() == false, TEXT("Synchronous API function %hs called during mass processing. Use asynchronous API ...
When the garbage collector runs, unreferenced Objects found are removed from memory. In addition, the functionMarkPendingKill()can be called directly on an Object. This function sets all pointers to the Object toNULLand removes the Object from global searches. The Object is fully deleted on the...
()#you can even use functions within the actor itself. It is accessible via this or self.#In general when using the equal symbol in a uClass declaration, a default constructor will be generated.#you can specify a custom constructor if you want to by defining a regular nim function and ...
voidEmptyLinkFunctionForGeneratedCodeMyStruct(){}// Begin Cross Module ReferencesCPPLEARNING_APIUScriptStruct*Z_Construct_UScriptStruct_FMyStruct();UPackage*Z_Construct_UPackage__Script_CPPLearning();// End Cross Module References// Begin ScriptStruct FMyStructstaticFStructRegistrationInfoZ_Registration...