// Opaque circular buffer structure typedef struct CIRCULAR_BUFFER_T circular_buf_t; 我们不希望用户直接操作 circular_buf_t 结构体,因为他们可能会觉得可以取消对值的引用。取而代之我们创建一个句柄类型来给用户使用。 最简单的方法是将cbuf_handle_t定义为一个指向circular buffer的指针。这会避免我们在函数...
size_t size);///Free a circular buffer structure.///Does not free data buffer; owner is responsible for thatvoidcircular_buf_free(cbuf_handle_t cbuf);///Reset the circular buffer to empty, head == tailvoidcircular_buf_reset(cbuf_handle_t cbuf);/...
ps:下文以环形队列来代替 ring buffer / circular buffer / 环形缓冲区。 环形队列的最小可操作单位并不是固定的,可以是一个字节的内存空间,也可以是N个字节,或者是其他数据结构体类型的内存尺寸,这取决于环形队列最小单元的尺寸。比如 char ringbuffer[409600] 的环形队列,可操作的最小单位一般就是一个字节,lon...
环形数组(CircularBuffer)是一种常见的数据结构,在串口通信中的应用显得尤为重要。环形数组通过解决数据缓冲区满溢问题,优化了数据的传输与接收;致使通信更加高效且稳定。 环形数组的核心理念 环形数组顾名思义,就是一个首尾相连得数组,它与传统的线性数组有着本质的区别。想象一下,如果我们有一个固定大小的数组;往...
int circularBufferGet(CircularBuffer *cb) { if (cb->head == cb->tail) { return -1; // 缓冲区为空 } else { int data = cb->buf[cb->head]; cb->head = (cb->head + 1) % cb->size; return data; } } ``` 判断缓冲区是否为空: ...
建立RING BUFFER class simple_cbuf { public: enum { default_size = 100; }; ...
Circular Buffer, Cyclic Buffer or Ring Buffer is a data structure that effectively manages a queue of some items. Items can be added at the back and removed from the front. It has limited capacity because it is based on preallocated array. Functionality is implemented using two pointers or in...
c)中结构体evdev_client定义了一个环形缓冲区(circular buffer),其原理是用数组的方式实现了一个先进先出的循环队列(circular queue),用以缓存内核驱动上报给用户层的 环形缓冲区的工作机制循环队列入队算法: head++; head &= bufsize - 1; 循环队列出队算法: tail++; tail &= bufsize - 1; 循环队列已满...
Circular buffer is of course a plain array, but you reset the array indexers once it comes to the last element. Use of modulus operator (%) ensures that array index is reset to 0 once it comes to the last element. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jul 6, 2014 at 3:00 sa...