是因为你的hourm和print没有声明,如果不想声明,就把 print 写在最前面,然后hourm,然后yeard,最后main就可以执行了。具体如下:include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include // extra includeint print(int *year,int *day,int *hour,int *minu){ printf("The date is %i, the %i day...
I get the error : error C3861: 'exit': identifier not found. What am I doing wrong? Monday, March 27, 2006 6:07 PM ✅Answered Another technique is to generate a preprocessor output file for the cpp file being compiled. Under C/C++ settings, set the Generate Preprocessed File (/P)...
今天在编译MPC的时候,出现了这个错误提示,很奇怪,前段时间编译都是一次性通过的。G了一下,找到了一个解决办法:在项目属性中预处理器定义设“WINVER=0x0502”,查了一下MSDN: 也就是说假定当前的环境为Windows 2003,上次编译通过的确也是在Windows 2003下,现在的环境是Windows 2000 SP4,那在执行的时候会不会出问题...
1>.\intelbth.cpp(836) : error C3861: 'sprintf_s': identifier not foundAnd the line which it refers to in the code is:sprintf_s(errmsg,"Failed to bind socket; error = %d", WSAGetLastError());I went through the linked that you was provided for the same error, and I concluded (...
错误6error C3861: 'CoInitializeEx': identifier not found 解决: 在出错代吗文件前面添加以下代码: #define _WIN32_DCOM #include <dshow.h> #include <windows.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <objbase.h> 如果不行,再添加下行代码引用库文件: ...
I have added a #include "math.h" in my .cpp file.but when I am building the project I am getting error "Error C3861:atof:Identifier not found. Why this is happening ,whether I am missing something. Sep 27, 2011 at 12:08am
Compiler error C3861 'identifier': identifier not found Compiler error C3862 'function': cannot compile an unmanaged function with /clr:pure or /clr:safe Compiler error C3863 array type 'type' is not assignable Compiler error C3864 Obsolete. ...
include<stdio.h> int main(){ char filename[80];printf("The file to delete:");gets(filename);if( remove(filename) == 0 )printf("Removed %s.", filename);else perror("remove");} 这是个使用remove例子,看看对你是否有用。
error C3861: 'round': identifier not found There is no round function in <cmath> for windows. Instead, you have to implement it yourself. This is rather easy, however: C++ Syntax (Toggle Plain Text) 1. inline double round ( double d ...