err:identifier err:identifier not found 在做ccs硬件仿真时,把变量添加到Watch Window中经常遇到⼀种错误:identifier not found。解决办法:1.是否已经Load Program,没Load肯定不会found的呀;2.对⼀条语句中的局部变量进⾏设置遇到此情况,在此句设置断点通常会提⽰Probe没有设在valid lines,具体原因还...
编译通过没错误,但仿真时在Expression窗口看不到局部变量的值,显示 unknown Error: identifier not found: measured 提示没有定义?你把优化级别调到最低看看 1.关掉编译器的优化选项,设置为不优化 2.在定义局部变量的函数中设置断点,程序运行到断点就可以看到了。 怎么设置优化选项啊 这个不就是么。 points 将...
Also, the optimization is off. When I finished the setting and modification of project, I loaded it. While I was tring to add the array 'test[400]' to the expression table, the error 'Identifier Not Found' came up: Is there anything...
CCS7.0版本在仿真程序时出现以下错误,连接有错误 C28xx: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): identifier not found: ST1 at ST1=(ST1&~(0x0100)) [f28335.gel:322] at C28x_Mode() [f28335.gel:82] at OnTargetConnect() C28xx: GEL: Error while executing OnReset(0): identifier not f...
identifier not found in CCS debug Ben Ma Prodigy80points Other Parts Discussed in Thread:CC430F5137 Hi, all, I am facing a strange problem. I declared 4 variables a,b,c,d in a program, a and b are global and c and d are local, when I run the program, I can only see the valu...
你好,客服的说法是该驱动最高可以支持ccs5.5,而且我在test connection时虽然报错,但连接和下载.out文件都可以正常使用,但是我在运行程序时使用expressions窗口观察变量都是 type:unknown value:Error: identifier not found: status 而variables窗口全为空,不知道是否和仿真器驱动有关?还是我观察变量的操作有错误? 2018...
CCS 3.3 : ..CCS 3.3 ,编译,build all 都没有错误,点Debug:go main 后,跳出: identifier not found main ,不知如何解决?
版主您好,我最近遇到一个问题,就是不能进入中断,还有watch window 中显示identifier not found: Inter...
最近用ccs编,工程中既有c文件也有c++文件,在编译过程中出现identifier "class" is undefined的问题,...