C keywords: C keywords:enum From cppreference.com <c |keyword Keywords Usage declaration of an enumeration type
^C++编译器对源码的处理流程https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/translation_phases ^magic_e...
From cppreference.com <c |language Early C 1969: B created, based on BCPL, to replace PDP-7 assembler as the system programming language for Unix added operators++,--, compound assignment, remained a typeless language like BCPL
4.5、【共用】特别说明: 在【共用】中,可以定义函数(cpp;std=c++23)。【参考文献: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/union 】 1//c++2//g++ -std=c++20 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out34#include <iostream>5#include <string>67union u_S8{9u_S()10{11std::co...
Compiler warning (level 1) C4472'identifier' is a native enum: add an access specifier (private/public) to declare a 'WinRT/managed' enum Compiler warning (level 1) C4473'function' : not enough arguments passed for format string Compiler warning (level 3) C4474'function' : too man...
UNREACH.ENUM 由于枚举的可能值而无法访问代码 3 False 2021.3 UNREACH.GEN 无法访问的代码 3 False 2020.1 之前 UNREACH.RETURN 无法访问的返回虚值 3 False 2020.1 之前 UNREACH.SIZEOF 体系结构相关的无法访问代码 3 False 2020.1 之前 UNUSED.FUNC.GEN 已定义但未使用的函数 4 False 2023.4 UNUSED.FUNC.STL_EMP...
(); // cvView1 and cvView2 are enum members defined in my CMainFrame class if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE1) && (m_currentView == cvView1)) return; if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) && (m_currentView == cvView2)) return; if (nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) { if (m_...
cooled selenum rectif cooled synchronous co cooledmetalnozzle coolermaster cosmos s cooley coolie charge cooling condition cooling duct cooling element cooling equipment for cooling fresh water p cooling grid cooling irradiated fu cooling pipes cooling spray cooling system water cooling systems for p cooli...
宁可以编译器替换预处理器(尽量以 const、enum、inline 替换#define) 尽可能使用 const 确定对象被使用前已先被初始化(构造时赋值(copy 构造函数)比 default 构造后赋值(copy assignment)效率高) 了解C++ 默默编写并调用哪些函数(编译器暗自为 class 创建 default 构造函数、copy 构造函数、copy assignment 操作符、...