错误信息“stray '' in program”表明在程序中存在一个不必要的反斜杠(\)。在C语言中,反斜杠通常用于转义字符,如 表示换行,\t表示制表符。如果反斜杠后面没有跟随有效的转义字符,编译器就会报错。 检查源代码: 定位到controller-enumtypes.c文件的第6行,查找是否存在错误的反斜杠。假设第6行的代码如下: c en...
In the above code snippet we have defined conversion of enum value to string. We have taken class asenumsampleand we defined the enum asTutorialsand we declare the constants incsharpas csharp as1 andhtmlas 2 and in the main function of the program we defined the enum asMyTutorialsand ass...
It is used to assign names to the integral constants, which makes a program easy to read and maintain. The keyword “enum” is used to declare an enumeration. Here is the syntax of enum in C language, enum enum_name{const1, const2, ... }; The ...
The ability to “label” the constant values allows us to develop the program in a much clearer and readable way. For example, if we write the code 3.14159265359, it’s not the same as simply calling it with the “pi” identifier. Unlike the macro-defined constants, the enumerators can ...
But these values don't matter because enums are basically used to have a symbolic meaning. Whenever you compare an enum in your program, you'd be just using its symbolic meaning and not its actual value.Kumar Varma Updated on: 11-Feb-2020 336 Views ...
And In the if-statement, we find that OptionA and OptionC are set to true, but OptionB is not set. This is the correct result. using System; class Program { [Flags] enum DataInfo { None = 0, OptionA = 1, OptionB = 2, OptionC = 4, } static void Main() { var info = Dat...
WECHAT_MINI_PROGRAM(10, "微信小程序"), @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public enum TerminalEnum implements IntArrayValuable { APP(31, "手机 App"), ; public static final int[] ARRAYS = Arrays.stream(values()).mapToInt(TerminalEnum::getTerminal).toArray(); public static final Integer[] ARRAYS ...
The following program shows how to use Enum inSwitch..Casestatement. using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } enum Tempurature { Low, Medium, High, }; private void button1_Cl...
// A Java program to demonstrate working on enum // in switch case (Filename Test. Java) importjava.util.Scanner; // An Enum class enumDay { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY; } // Driver class that contains an object of "day" and ...
In this article we will learn about enumeration, which is a user defined data type. We use ‘enum' keyword for its implementation. It is related to #define preprocessors in C/C++. It can also be defined to represent integer numbers.