When this happens, the enumerator object is no longer synchronized with the pin, and the class methods return VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC. Call the CEnumMediaTypes::Reset method to resynchronize the enumerator.Expand table Public MethodsDescription CEnumMediaTypes Constructor method. ~CEnumMedia...
enum class open_modes { input, output, append }; 不限定作用域的枚举类型 enum color { red, yellow, green }; enum { floatPrec = 6, doublePrec = 10 }; decltype decltype 关键字用于检查实体的声明类型或表达式的类型及值分类。语法: decltype ( expression ) 使用 ...
在JDK 1.6新增的javax.lang.model包中定义了16类Element,包括了Java代码中最常用的元素,如:“包(PACKAGE)、枚举(ENUM)、类(CLASS)、注解(ANNOTATION_TYPE)、接口(INTERFACE)、枚举值(ENUM_CONSTANT)、字段(FIELD)、参数(PARAMETER)、本地变量(LOCAL_VARIABLE)、异常(EXCEPTION_PARAMETER)、方法(METHOD)、构造函数(CO...
(); // cvView1 and cvView2 are enum members defined in my CMainFrame class if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE1) && (m_currentView == cvView1)) return; if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) && (m_currentView == cvView2)) return; if (nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) { if (m_...
二、magic_enum 在网上有开源的一个框架magic_enum,可以搞定枚举的反射,它其实就使用前一篇中所述的PRETTY_FUNCTION来实现的,这里不多做赘述,只给一个简单的例子: #include'include/magic_enum/magic_enum.hpp' enumclassRgbColor{RGB_RED,RGB_BLACK,RGB_WHITE,NOTHING}; ...
private com.wangji92.github.study.other.enums.Day(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: aload_1 2: iload_2 3: invokespecial #6 // Method java/lang/Enum."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;I)V 6: return static {}; Code: 0: new #4 // class com/wangji92/github/study/other/enums/Day ...
c inamoenum loes c j bruton g c l dodgson c mcmichael the acadÉ c muralis p gaertn ke c o dx o d cash on de c p a certified publi c p e bach c p mcounts per minut c scutellarioides c trujillo c - calbifrons cask the manager for cb freight intl inc cbdcash before deli...
c i o c inamoenum maxim loe c j cregg c japonica diels c jealousy c m a certificed mana c megaphyllum ching e c mucronata desv c multinervis cheng e c omeiense c p logistics ltd c pubescens c a mey j c pulchra peck corner c qualification requi c scutellarioides var c septen...
(); // cvView1 and cvView2 are enum members defined in my CMainFrame class if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE1) && (m_currentView == cvView1)) return; if ((nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) && (m_currentView == cvView2)) return; if (nCmdID == ID_VIEW_CHANGE2) { if (m_...