actor-framework Public An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++ C++ 3.2k 549 incubator Public Testing ground for libraries and tools that might one day find their way into the CAF main repository C++ 6 2 evolution Public CAF Evolution XSLT 6 1 Repositories Loading...
C++ Actor Framework (CAF) 中文手册(十一) 原网页链接:Configuring Actor Applications配置Actor应用 CAF使用actor_system_config在启动时配置应用,或者使用一个用户自定义的actor_system_config的子类。配置对象允许用户添加自定义类型、加载模块,并使用命令行选项或配置文件系统的配置选项微调加载模块… ...
CAF: cpp-react: folly: muduo: 上述这些都是非常值得学习的经典代码库。最后这篇文章本来想挑选其中对符号隐藏和依赖管理做得好的库给大家剖析下...
Breadcrumbs actor-framework / CMakeLists.txtTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 463 lines (389 loc) · 17.4 KB Raw cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13..3.27 FATAL_ERROR) project(CAF VERSION 1.0.1 LANGUAGES CXX) # -- version boilerplate --- # Individual components of the version num...
However, designing a\nreal-world actor framework that subsumes full scalability, strong reliability,\nand high resource efficiency requires many conceptual and algorithmic additives\nto the original model.\nIn this paper, we report on designing and building CAF, the "C++ Actor\nFramework". CAF ...
C++ actor framework简单使用简介下载/编译/安装下载编译/安装简单使用单次调用,没有使用线程池复杂使用思路main.cpp 内容如下msgHandle.hmsgHandle.cppblocking_actor 类型说明释义函数说明其他loop 类型其他说明 简介CAF 是 C++ Actor 模型框架,借鉴了 erlang 和 akka 的 actor 思想。有强 C++ 11 ...
ProtoActorBenchmarks/ProtoActorBenchmarks.csproj index 87e173f413da48119a1ead007d7759ee6c1e5b2a..cec2ccaf3838938ffa9a115a4ae001a0f62ed67b 100644 --- a/benchmarks/ProtoActorBenchmarks/ProtoActorBenchmarks.csproj +++ b/benchmarks/ProtoActorBenchmarks/ProtoActorBenchmarks.csproj @@ -1,7 ...
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checksum = "5443807d6dff69373d433ab9ef5378ad8df50ca6298caf15de6e52e24aaf54d5" [[package]] name = "erased-serde" version = "0.4.5" source = "registry+" checksum = "24e2389d65ab4fab27dc2a5de7b191e1f6617d1f1c8855c0dc569c94a4...