文章目录 框架 什么是 好处 三层架构 持久层 持久化 持久层 ORM 规范 JDBC 工具类 JdbcTemplate DBUtils 框架 Mybatis 框架 什么是 框架(Framework)是整个或部分系统的可重用设计,表现为一组抽象构件及构件实例间交互的方法; 另一种 定义认为,框架是可被应用开发者定制的应用骨架。 前者是从应用方面而后者是从目...
其次,生物学合理的R-STDP模型需要精确计算奖励预测误差,但神经元如何计算该价值仍有待证明。在此,我们通过将Doya (2000)的连续时序差分(TD)学习扩展到以连续时间操作的具有连续状态和动作表征的actor-critic网络中脉冲神经元的情况,以提出这些问题的解决方案。在我们的模型中,critic学会了实时预测期望未来奖励。它的活...
This article proposes a method of reinforcement learning (RL) of an interpretable fuzzy system (IFS) based on a neural fuzzy actor-critic (RLIFS-NFAC) framework. The critic in the RLIFS-NFAC framework is implemented through a neural fuzzy critic, which is built through structure and parameter...
In this work, we propose a novel tracking algorithm with real-time performance based on the ‘Actor-Critic’ framework. This framework consists of two major components: ‘Actor’ and ‘Critic’. The ‘Actor’ model aims to infer the optimal choice in a continuous action space, which directly ...
Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) is a reinforcement learning algorithm that combines the actor-critic framework with maximum entropy reinforcement learning. It is designed to learn policies for continuous action spaces, facilitatingrobust and flexible control in complex environments. In this article, we will ste...
Multi-agent decision-making method based on Actor-Critic framework and its application in wargame 在线阅读 下载PDF 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 将人工智能应用于兵棋推演的智能战术兵棋正逐年发展,基于Actor-Critic框架的决策方法可以实现智能战术兵棋的战术行动动态决策。但若Critic网络只对单算子进行评价,多算子之间的...
In this study, we propose a novel Multi-Agent Dual Actor-Critic (MADAC) framework for reinforcement learning navigation tasks. Our framework consists of dual-Actor and dual-Critic pairs. The dual-Actor component is developed to bolster the diversity of exploration by agents and avoid potential ...
The MADAC framework offers a promising approach for tackling real-world navigation challenges in dynamic and collaborative environments, with implications for robotics, autonomous systems, and interactive entertainment. 展开 关键词: Multi-agent reinforcement learning Overestimation Navigation Regularization Actor...
Error configuring application listener of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListene 这个错误看上去是找不到jar包引起的,但是检查完jar包的引用之后,发现spring-web的jar包是已经引用了的,如果是这种情况的话,解决方法就是将所引用的所有jar包拷贝一份到发布路径的WEB-INF/lib文件夹下。 注意 需...
We present a training framework for neuralive summarization based on actor-critic approaches from reinforcement learning. In the traditional neural network based methods, the objective is only to maximize the likelihood of the predicted summaries, no other assessment constraints are considered, which may...