另外,BVI还设有公司税(Corporate Income Tax)这一税种。通常情况下,BVI注册的公司不需要缴纳公司税,这使得BVI成为跨国公司进行投资和资产规划的热门选择之一。然而,部分特定类型的公司可能需要缴纳一定比例的公司税,具体情况需要根据公司类型和业务性质而定。 ## BVI的房产税 除了营业税和公司税外,BVI还有房产税(Prope...
Company Tax/Corporate Income Tax 公司税/企业所得税 无 Capital Gains Tax 资本利得税 无 Branch Profits Tax 分支机构利润税 无 Sales Tax/Valued Added Tax(VAT) 销售税/增值税 无 除了在税务上有优惠之外,几乎所有的离岸管辖区均明文规定:公司的股东资料、股权比例、收益状况等,享有保密权利,如股东不愿意,...
Corporate Governance Economic Substance Family Office FATCA/CRS & Tax Administration Trust Services Related Locations British Virgin Islands Hong Kong London SingaporeBritish Virgin Islands Investment Funds Navigator What’s your path? Looking to set-up an investment fund in the British Virgin Islands, bu...
The cornerstone of the corporate legislation is the International Business Companies Ordinance 1984. Companies incorporated under the Ordinance enjoy a complete exemption from tax. This includes an exemption from capital gains tax, stamp duty and all forms of withholding tax. There is no exchange contr...
The British Virgin Islands are amongst one of the oldest offshore company jurisdictions and have a legal framework for these types of companies that have been replicated by other tax havens. The Islands imposeno corporate income tax for offshore companies, and this is a top advantage to all fo...
CORPORATE REQUIREMENTS IN THE B.V.I. 英屬維爾京群島法人條件 1、REGISTERED AGENT AND REGISTERED OFFICE: A BVI Company (BVI) must have a Registered Agent and a Registered Office in the B.V.I. Fees are charged and payable annually in advance. (BVI公司需有註冊代理及註冊地址在BVI本土內。註冊...
公司收入所得税(Corporate Income Taxes) 公司收入所得税又称公司税,是联邦政府继个税和社会安全福利保障税之后的第三大联邦税进项。该税采用累进税率制,税率分别为15%、25%、34%和35%。 各州为扩大就业水平,增加财政收入,均推出针对公司实体的投资鼓励政策,具体体现在税收的优惠措施上。一般而言,各州的经济发展促...
BVI is an independent country with a fairly high standard of living. Therefore, it avoided entering any information-sharing agreements with foreign countries or organizations for exchange of financial aid. Client confidentiality is robustly enshrined in the BVI corporate and business legislation. ...
Modern corporate legislation with flexible structure Full tax exemption for income derived outside of BVI No public records of company directors, shareholders No accounting and auditing requirement USD as the official currency The most desirable offshore financial centers ...
Corporate Services in BVI About International investors are attracted to the BVI by its regulatory framework, low tax and established legal system, which ensures that the territory is a neutral and safe place to pool capital, set up a holding company or to invest into markets where there may ...