International investors are attracted to the BVI by its regulatory framework, low tax and established legal system, which ensures that the territory is a neutral and safe place to pool capital, set up a holding company or to invest into markets where there may be political risk or legal barrie...
According to law, anoffshore company in the British Virgin Islandsmust have at least one director and one shareholder. Our specialists incompany formation in BVIcan give you complete information on these conditions and those for the company officers. The six main steps for company formation in th...
UK position Like the UK, tax-transparency campaigners have long argued that all company registers should be fully open to the public as part of efforts to deter tax evasion and other criminality. But with no global standard in place, the premier compared the international situation to a classro...
NO corporate income tax (a fixed state duty is paid instead) NO requirement to file financial statements in the British Virgin Islands or elsewhere Directors may declare dividends on shares at any time, provided that the company meets the solvency test ...
favorable business environment, which includes a relatively low tax regime and a flexible regulatory framework allowing to accept traders from around the world. Yet,BVI is an offshore zone which is hardly compared for its transparency and sharp rules to reputable jurisdiction like US, UK or ...
And countries that get the information will now be able to carry out risk assessments and apply their controlled-foreign company, transfer pricing, and other anti-base erosion and profit shifting provision. For a long time, offshore countries have pushed back against disclosing financial services in...
10:31aIs SLB an AI play? Oil company’s CEO makes the case as power demand swells. 10:12aWhen a spouse dies, there can be a ‘tax explosion’ for the one left behind 10:04aOpinionIs Trump’s bitcoin embrace the biggest ‘pump-and-dump’ ever?
Partners in a partnership and shareholders and members of a company or association carrying on business in the BVI and who participate, otherwise than as employees, in the income of the business will be deemed employees for the purposes of payroll tax. Depending on the size of the enterprise...
company in many countries, accounting tax, listing services, annual inspection services of company and bank business of other overseas countries. 我们具备专业知识,同时以崭新角度为客户提供极具个性化、以客户为先极具前瞻性的服务,让客户的价值与效用扩大。无论是在单一地区或跨越多个司法管辖区,客户都能获得...