代码 package day_40;// 个人感觉这个题目和 之前的Stock2是一样的// 上面那句是错的,实际上两个题目是不同的思路。publicclassBuySellStock3{publicintmaxProfit(int[]prices){int[]local=newint[3];// k+1int[]global=newint[3];for(inti=1;i<prices.length;i++){intdiff=prices[i]-prices[i-1...
As long as we go to the securities business department, we can see whether the paction is returned to the broker by the stock exchange, or we can make a stock delivery in the specified time. There are also many brokerages who provide stock paction enquiries for clients who are self comm...
题目信息 You are given an array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. You want to maximize your profit by choosing a single day to buy one stock and choosing a different day in the future to sell that stock. Return the maximum profit you can achieve ...
You are given an integer array prices where prices[i] is the price of a given stock on the ith day. On each day, you may decide to buy and/or sell the stock. You can only hold at most one share of the stock at any time. However, you can buy it then immediately sell it on t...
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 121 这个比较简单,大致思想: 1.如果sale-buy<=0,则该价格适合买入。 2.否则判断该价格卖出的价格是否最好。 代码如下: publicintmaxProfit(int[]prices){if(prices==null||prices.length==0){return0;}intres=0;intbuy=prices[0];for(inti=1;i<prices.length;i...
这种数组问题的优化,经常就是考虑双指针的方法,从而使得两层循环变成一层。用两个指针, buy 表示第几天买入,sell 表示第几天卖出,开始 buy,sell都指向0,表示不操作。然后sell往后移, 若prices[sell] < prices[buy],则将buy指向sell当前位置(buy = sell),否则计算当前股票买卖收益,并和之前计算的收益比较,取...
老师好 这是模考Cummins case 里的第三题, 没听懂 为什么要buy stock, 然后怎么用hedge ratio 公式来判断是要 borrow or lend ? 谢谢添加评论 0 0 1 个答案 lynn_品职助教 · 2021年11月17日 嗨,从没放弃的小努力你好: 首先同学要了解hedge ratio的意义。在交叉对冲(即期货标的物和被对冲资产不一致...
百度试题 结果1 题目An order to buy or sell a stock at the best current price is a:() A. limit order. B. floor order. C. market order. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C Market orders are orders to buy or sell at the best price available....
best time to buy and sell stock iii: 最多允许买卖两次 对于i: 思路就是在第i个位置抛出时,希望在0~i-1个位置上的最低价买入,才能使得第i个位置的收益最大。然后比较所有可以抛出的位置i,返回最大的收益。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 intmaxP = 0, minV = prices[0]; ...
You can buy or sell stock on your own by opening a brokerage account with one of the many brokerage firms. After opening your account, connect it with your bank checking account to make deposits, which are then available for you to invest in. ...