教材给的例子是sell call和buy put。理论上也可以是其他的角度。
作者: Sell Put option:确认股价不会大跌的投资者,可以卖出看跌期权,赚取期权金。理论最大损失为行权价。 Buy Put Option:手中握有大量股票的投资者,可通过买入看跌期权锁定收益.
(1)买入看涨期权 (Buy Call) (2)买入看跌期权(Buy Put) (3)卖出看涨期权(Sell Call) (4)卖出看跌期权(Sell Put) 一、四种期权交易方式的理解 期权交易,有买就会有卖,所以我们把这个市场,一分为二:买方市场、卖方市场。 在这两个市场各自的圈子里,投资者有两种需求,分别是针对相关标的资产的看涨(Call)、...
A put option can make another investor or trader buy or sell a security before the option expires. A put option always comes with a strike price that you set to keep you from losing more than you can afford. You can buy and sell put options based on your trading strategy and your anti...
四、卖出看跌期权策略:(sellput) 适用场景:觉得股票不会大跌,赚权利金; 卖出看跌期权是一种中性至看涨的期权策略,投资者卖出看跌期权合约,期望标的资产价格不会下跌或下跌幅度有限。当特斯拉的股价在期权到期日(到期日前)没有下跌时,持有卖出看跌期权的投资者可以获得期权合约的权利金。 例如,如果特斯拉的股价目前为10...
关于期权交易,我只做两个:sell put或者sell call,看不跌卖跌,看不涨卖涨。还有两个我不会做buy put和 buy call,看跌买跌,看涨买涨。我的目的是:判断正确我收期权金,看错了我收股票或者卖股票。所以我只想拿非常稳健的股票来做期权,其实我最想做的是银行股,只是成交
Options are financial contracts that allow the buyer the rights but not the obligations to buy or sell the underlying asset at the strike price. There are two types of options: call options and put options. Answer and Explanation:1 A...
Call option有权买入债券,增加duration,put option有权卖出债券,降低duration。所以,要买入2年期债券的call option来增加duration。我不是很理解这个地方的A和C选项 1.A选项的sell put option和C的buy call option 都是增加了duration,那为什么不选择A呢?
买call option是要付钱的,sell put 是收钱,如果其他都一样,理论上在maturity的时候,payoff两个是一...
Financial advisers have been fielding phone calls from panicked clients, but the smarter ones called their clients first to put things in perspective. "My issue with my clients is: Are they getting to a place where they cannot sleep ?" says David Diesslin, a financial planner in Fort Worth...