Put Option 就是“看跌期权”。例如,你觉得腾讯的股票会跌,但是又不确定。那怎么办呢?就买腾讯股票...
首先sell put是一个约定俗成的简写,完整的写法应该是sell put option.put option是卖出期权,也就是在...
Sell Put option:确认股价不会大跌的投资者,可以卖出看跌期权,赚取期权金。理论最大损失为行权价。 Buy Put Option:手中握有大量股票的投资者,可通过买入看跌期权锁定收益.
作者: 请教懂行的朋友,sell put option的权利金是到期日到账吗?如果没到行权价的话。到期前显示的都是浮亏?
卖出看涨期权(Sell Call Option)若看好股票,可通过购买看涨期权买入股票,享受杠杆效应。 www.bocionline.com|基于5个网页 2. 选择权可以是卖出买权 该选择权可以是卖出买权(sell call option)或卖出卖权(sell put option),而未来各券商推出的ELN将多为固定收益商品加上卖出一 … ...
教材给的例子是sell call和buy put。理论上也可以是其他的角度。
An investor would sell a put option if their outlook on the underlying was bullish and would sell a call option if their outlook on a specific asset was bearish.
百度试题 题目An option gives the buyer the right to sell the underlying assets,we call the option is a ___.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 put option 反馈 收藏
It presents the product called put option, which could be sold on the Standard & Poor's depositary receipt (SPDR) S&P 500 fund, which is exercisable until December 2014. The opinion of Ballentine Partners' Gregory Peterson on the subject is also cited.Baldwin...