Stay connected to Nikon. Your Information First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required) Country (required) By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive promotional, educational, e-commerce and product registration emails from Nikon Inc. You can update your preferences or ...
01:06 号称年轻人的第一台无反相机,尼康Z5还值不值得买?拍照方面性能无限接近于尼康旗舰机Z6,作为一台入门级微单相机能有这样的表现还是非常值得入手的! 一个卖相机的 1.5万 11 05:46 尼康Plena全解析 | 极致光学还是无💊可救 榕城高氏 1.6万 16 展开 ...
SmallRig斯莫格手提手柄套装开箱 Nikon Z7 + SmallRig _吴老师 280 0 日常| 听说拍视频的最高境界是拍成行车记录仪 尼康Z7 24-200 4-6.3 小光圈手持夜景测试 20201228 #vlog05 _吴老师 1690 0 仅用不到三百元,得到一台能录视频的千万像素单反! 小扬小杨 6851 18 标志设计全流程 从开始到结束 - The ...
Nikon Z‘s Z lenses as very high quality lenses like its f/1.8 primes. Personally, I feel that while Nikon has fewer lenses than some other brands, you don’t have to think very much because all of Nikon’s lenses are a perfect blend of optical quality and affordability. Nikon not onl...
In the case of this brand new Nikon Z7 my excitement and my need to have the latest gadget tells me that it would be very exciting to buy this camera, which i would have to buy on credit because i don’t have $4000.00 just laying around, well we have in our savings but that mone...
Stay connected to Nikon. Your Information First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email (required) Country (required) By clicking Sign Up, you are opting to receive promotional, educational, e-commerce and product registration emails from Nikon Inc. You can update your preferences or ...
nikon现在脑子不清楚,营销做的什么玩意。希望不要浪费自己的好技术,全力在z卡口上发力,摄像机产品线搞出来,该放弃的单反就放了吧。毕竟是要拼未来。 来自安卓客户端2020-04-29 14:35回复 CHGH793我觉得还不如不出摄像机产品,这样就不像佳能索尼那样总给你切掉一点功能,没有摄像机那尼康所有技术不就都可以下...