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Nikon Z7 II: was $2,996.95 now $1,996.95 at Adorama US $1,000 off: I don't regret buying the Nikon Z6 II a few years ago, but there are times that I'm a little green-eyed of the pricier and higher 45.7MP resolution of the Z7 II, especially for landscape photography. If the...
If you're looking to take your photography to the next level then look towards full-frame models like the Nikon Z7 II, Sony A7 IV or Canon EOS R5. These cameras all come with higher price tags attached, but their physically larger image sensors allow you to shoot pristine-looking photos...
Resolution/Megapixels:Will 20-25MP be enough or do you need the flexibility of 45MP or more? If you think you might need a ton of resolution, you’ll want to get a high-resolution full-frame camera like the Canon R5 or Nikon Z7II. ...
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For now, I'm using the Z7ii with a 50mm 1.8 as a walk Sunday around point and shoot, But it won't take any selfies or fit in my pocket. I was thinking of getting the 40mm pancake for the Z7ii, but the screen would not flip out. Joel Klein's gear list: Nikon Z7 II Ni...