Business Process Reengineering is a dramatic change initiative that contains seven major steps: Refocusing company values on customer needs and eliminating low-value work Simplifying and standardizing overly complex work, and automating repetitive work ...
Business Process Reengineering是什么意思 释义 企业过程再工程; Business Process Reengineering 例句 1.The application of workflow in business process reengineering is discussed. 讨论了工作流技术在商业过程再造中的应用. 2.New techniques, such as business process reengineering, are leading to systems reengineer...
Reengineering, often referred to as reverse engineering or software reengineering, is a practice that involves the analysis, design, and modification of pre-existing software systems. The primary goal of this process is to enhance their quality, performance, and maintainability. Reengineering can lead ...
Business process reengineering is a systematic change management methodology focused on radical transformation of processes and systems tied to enhancing value for customers. It is a strategic cognitive approach grounded on rethinking the organization to deliver measurable results. Changes to business ...
What is business process reengineering (BPR)? Business process reengineering (BPR) is the radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in performance, efficiency, and effectiveness. Business process reengineering (BPR) is a strategic management approach that is focused on funda...
Process owner.A senior-level manager in charge of a specific business process. The process owner is responsible for assembling a team to reengineer the process they oversee. Reengineering team.A group that's composed of insiders whose work involves the process that is being reengineered and outsid...
企业流程再造(Business Process Reengineering,缩写为BPR)指的是企业对其所从事的最关键与最基本的管理工作及作业程序进行重新设计和构建的过程,这个再造过程通常是为了使企业在成本、品质和服务等方面的绩效取得大幅度改进。也就是说企业流程再造是由组织过程重新出发,从根本思考每一个活动的价值贡献,然后运用现代的资讯...
业务流程再造( Business Process Reengineering ,简称 BPR )是以 __ 为改造对象和中心、以 __ 为目标 的( )A.业务流程 提
BPR简介:业务流程重构(Business Process Reengineering,简称BPR)起源于20世纪90年代的美国,由麻省理工学院的计算机教授迈克尔·哈默(Michael Hammer)和CSC管理顾问公司的董事长詹姆斯·钱皮(James Champy)共同提出。在1993年出版的《企业重构—企业革命宣言》一书中,哈默和钱皮指出,过去200年间,企业...
业务流程重组BPR(Business Process Reengineering) 业务流程重组,是对企业的业务流程进行根本性再思考和彻底性再设计,从而获得在成本,质量,