Microsoft Word™ is our primary file format for creating, editing and printing the final employee handbook. Anyone with very basic skills for working with MS Word documents can easily complete this handbook. Once completed, the file can be printed and distributed to employees. Or, the file can...
Tips to Writing an Employee Handbook for Your Small BusinessKelly Gregorio
Employee handbook purpose Tell employees they’re expected to be familiar with every policy and procedure that are covered. A disclaimer notifying employees that the handbook is not a contract and employment with your company is considered to be “at-will.” ...
Here are examples of policy handbooks. One common example is an employee handbook, which serves as a critical resource for new hires and existing employees. It outlines company policies, organizational culture, and expectations regarding behavior, attendance, and performance. ...
Written forms of business communication could include your employee handbook, financial reports, brand guidelines and other important business documents. These documents can help everyone in your organization stay aligned and work toward the same goals. Plus, it’s great to have documentation that can...
Avoid describing a new workplace policy one way in a company email and another way in the employee handbook. If you lowercase your company’s name, see that it always appears that way. Use visuals of the same style and quality in marketing campaigns. You lose credibility and your audience'...
HR related documents such as anemployee handbook,employee evaluation forms, and training templates. Types of Knowledge Bases Knowledge bases serve as powerful resources for a company's customers, internal team members, or even both. Although the content within these knowledge bases may vary based on...
Along with informing them about performance areas that need improvement, let them know what they’re doing well and encourage them to keep it up in the New Year. Want to avoid HR issues moving forward? Think about reviewing your employee handbook to make sure it’s up to date. ...
How much will I cover for an employee who’s worked for the company for five years? 10 years? 3. Add adoption assistance to your company policy After you determine the above factors and implement employer adoption assistance, lay out the adoption assistance benefits in your employee handbook. ...
At the beginning of each session, our research assistants provided all participants with detailed instructions in Vietnamese about the experiment, gave them some examples and answer sheets with a series of questions to be answered. It is important to note that to incentivize participants to make ...