Burping frequently and continuously is one of the sign that your health problem. In this post, we’re going to explain to you completely on the causes, impact, and how to stop burping. Stay tuned! Burping or belching is a normal process from the body to release gas in the digestive ...
or a symptom of peptic ulcer or can be caused by acid reflux. When acid is from the stomach, moving back up the esophagus, as in heartburn or reflux, people tend to swallow more frequently as a way to relieve discomfort and
Eructation or belching designates a condition in which gas is frequently expelled from the stomach through the mouth. While this condition may accompany the most varied affections of the stomach, it may also occur alone and is then considered as a neurosis. ~Max Einhorn, M.D., "Diseases of...
People who experience acid reflux and heartburn tend to ingest air more frequently and in larger quantities, leadingto burping. In addition to acid reflux, your diet and lifestyle, as well as certain medical conditions and medications, can also affect how much you burp. Can trapped gas cause...