Isak Férriz (Bonus) The City Guard Crime: A Shocking Tale of Betrayal and Deception In the quiet town of Cubellas, Catalonia, Spain, a heinous crime shocked the community and captured the attention of the nation. Known as the City Guard Crime, it involved the brutal murder of Pedro Rodri...
That’s a hard thing to believe in the moment. In the moment it feels like things can never get easier. And maybe, as my wife pointed out, on some level you maybe don’t want things to get easier. Maybe it feels like a small betrayal to let yourself heal. But like it or not, ...
We talk about her grad school choices, watch Doctor Who specials together, fight over the Fall Out Boy knee socks and worry about our white girl problems I had my heart crushed into the bitter grounds of a Caramel Betrayal Macchiato Found some really funny people on the Internet. Found some...
About “Burning Betrayal” “Burning Betrayal” is neither a good movie nor is it entirely bad. It has its premise, which it exploits with special care: a beautiful protagonist surrounded by many very handsome fellas. A movie that does not lack beauty or glamour, and when combined with the ...