Burning Betrayal is a Brazilian erotic thriller film directed by Diego Freitas, from a screenplay by Sue Hecker. The Netflix film revolves around Babi after she finds out that her long-term partner has been cheating on her. This shock sends Babi on a new adventure in her life and in her...
It streams alongside the true-crime documentary series “Rosa Peral’s Tapes” featuring Rosa Peral’s statements. Rosa Peral herself has tried to prevent the airing of this series through the courts, and clearly did not succeed. Here, as always, we only discuss film and art, and we will ...
I had my heart crushed into the bitter grounds of a Caramel Betrayal Macchiato Found some really funny people on the Internet. Found some really strange people on the Internet. Got sick of people confusing Bi-Polar with psychopath, bugfuck crazy, too lazy to ‘just be happy’ and/or sad ...
- Valerie Plame, Author of Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House RUSE “Robert Kerbeck’s memoir,RUSE, is a riveting tale of desire and deception in a world where lies are necessary currency and where con artists can end up convincing everyone, even themselves.”...
and the title track locks in on the anger that comes with having too much information in a world where no one wants to do anything with it or about it. On “Betrayal,” they show that no one is exempt from scrutiny and that both sides shoulder some of the blame. Punk may have long...
It is one of those movies that we won’t remember for a lifetime but that, for its meager duration, made us laugh. Release Date October 25, 2023 Where to Watch Burning Betrayal Netflix The Cast Giovanna Lancellotti Leandro Lima Camilla de Lucas Bruno Montaleone Louise D’Tuani...
1/1/2025 by Alex Matthews TV Regular Universal Pictures Film Feature: The 10 Best Films of 2024, By Patrick McDonald 1/1/2025 by adam@hollywoodchicago.com (Adam Fendelman) HollywoodChicago.com Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Steamy Three-Way Scene With Blake Lively in $83 Million Flop Is the Most...