Estates General of the whole country were regularly convoked after 1463, and a system of estate monarchy was formed. Duke Charles the Bold (reigned 1467-77) wanted to annex new lands, in particular Lorraine and Alsace, but came up against the unification policy of the French kings (Louis ...
Western Cape, South Africa: Saltare, Brut Reserve NV If consumers were asked about their impressions of South African wine, they might offer “Chenin Blanc,”“Bordeaux-like reds,” or maybe “Pinotage” but few would likely referenceMethode Cap Classique, or MCC for short. MCCs are South Af...
and individual vineyards. The latter produce the finest wines; wines bottled on their properties are known as estate-bottled, the counterpart of château-bottled inBordeaux. Wine properties in Burgundy are small, and until the 20th century the tendency had been for growers to turn over their pr...