and individual vineyards. The latter produce the finest wines; wines bottled on their properties are known as estate-bottled, the counterpart of château-bottled inBordeaux. Wine properties in Burgundy are small, and until the 20th century the tendency had been for growers to turn over their pr...
此外,班古拉湾葡萄酒庄(Benguela Cove Lagoon Wine Estate)提供精致的葡萄酒品尝体验,是葡萄酒爱好者的理想去处。想要寻找一些独特的时尚单品?Funky Vibes和OneLove The Fashion Shack将为您提供多样的时尚选择。若您对陶瓷感兴趣,Hornbill House Ceramics将展示当地工艺品的魅力,而Hemingways of...
若您對葡萄酒情有獨鍾,彭古拉灣酒莊(Benguela Cove Lagoon Wine Estate)和赫曼努斯皮特斯芬特酒莊(Hermanuspietersfontein Wines)都提供優質的品酒體驗,讓您可以享受南非的葡萄酒文化。最後,Lembu畫廊與工作室(Lembu Gallery & Studio)和OneLove時尚小屋(OneLove The Fashion Shack)則是尋找獨特手作商品和時尚服飾的理想...