Csiszar G., Evolution of the burgers-vector population of Cu-Nb multilayers with 7 at% He- implantation determined by X-ray diffraction, Materials Science and Engineering A, 609, (2014), 185- 194.Csiszar G., Evolution of the burgers-vector population of Cu-Nb multilayers with 7 at% ...
The Burgers vector of dislocations in the quasicrystalline AlCuFe icosahedral phase has been studied by means of diffraction contrast analyses and defocused convergent-beam electron diffraction. The size of the Burgers vector in real space is found to be 0路307 nm. This is the first observation ...
2) Burger's vector 伯格矢量3) Gaussion lattice vector quantization 高斯格型矢量量化 例句>> 4) Ginsberg 金斯伯格 1. Pray and Meditation—On the Poem Creation of Allen.Ginsberg from Kaddish; 苦难人生的祈祷 生死哲理的冥想——从《卡迪什》看艾伦·金斯伯格诗歌的创新精神 2. Rationality and ...
The Burgers vector of dislocations produced by a cyclic b.c.c./9R martensitic transformation has been studied by electron microscopy, using a Cu-39路26 Zn (at.%) alloy. The Burgers-vector analysis was made by the image matching method, because the conventional method utilizing a vanishing ...
The dislocation density and the Burgers vector population are determined within the Cu and Nb layers in highly textured sputter-deposited Cu鈥揘b multilayers by X-ray line profile analysis. The measurements are conducted with films on and off the substrates and by orienting the films in the ...
A new six-dimensional Burgers vector of dislocations in Al–Cu–Fe and Al–Pd–Mn icosahedral quasicrystals has been determined to be 1/2〈11 – 200 – 2〉 by means of defocused convergent-beam electron diffraction. The component of the Burgers vector in the physical space is parallel to a...
In a recent letter from Dai, convergent-beam electron diffraction is used to determine the modulus of the Burgers vector of dislocations in icosahedral AlCuFe. In the analysis the phason strain component is neglected. We argue that this is an inadmissible simplification. We further show that a ...
Convergent-beam electron diffraction study of the Burgers vector of dislocations in an icosahedral Al–Cu–Fe alloyM. X. DaiDai M.X. Phil. Mag. Lett. , 66:235–240, 1992.
Dislocation loops with Burgers vector a¨100 are formed in Cu-Ni alloys during 1 MeV electron irradiation in a high-voltage electron microscope at 350°-400°C. The dislocation loops are of interstitial type and pure edge in character with ¨110 line vectors. Some of the loops are seen to...
The rectangular dislocation loops with total Burgers vector a篓100 which are formed in Cu-Ni alloys during 1 MeV electron irradiation at elevated temperatures have been examined by weak-beam electron microscopy. The loop edges were found to take up a Hirth-lock configuration, dissociating into two...