The mechanism of nucleation of unfaulted vacancy loops (VL) with Burgers vector b = 〈100〉 in bcc-metals is suggested. The mechanism takes into account the experimental fact that the nucleation of such loops takes place exclusively in the cascade region of damage. In substantiating the ...
Molecular dynamics study on the Burgers vector transition of nanometric dislocation loops induced by cascade in bcc-ironDislocation loopIrradiationCascade overlapEmbrittlementDislocation loops are commonly observed defects in bcc-iron based alloys under radioactive environments. They are also major sources of...
Molecular dynamics study on the Burgers vector transition of nanometric dislocation loops induced by cascade in bcc-ironDislocation loopIrradiationCascade overlapEmbrittlements Dislocation loops are commonly observed defects in bcc-iron based alloys under radioactive environments. They are also major sources ...
The interstitial loop is a unique signature of radiation damage in structural materials for nuclear and other advanced energy systems. Unlike other bcc metals, two types of interstitial loops, 1/2111 and 100, are formed in bcc iron and its alloys. However, the mechanism by which 100 ...