About Us The intention of this blog site is to provide a point of contact and information for current and former employees of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) who have experienced bullying, harassment, victimisatio
In Korea, Yoo and Lee [10] found that 87% of employees reported having experienced some form of bullying in the past 6 months. In Japan, according to the Workplace Power Harassment Survey (employee survey), 25.3% of all respondents reported that they experienced workplace bullying in the ...
of3,234perday(AmbulanceServiceofNSW,2013).AsofJune2012,theServiceismannedby 4,360staff,90percentofwhomprovidesfrontlineservices;whiletheremaining10percentare corporateandsupportstaff. Since2001,theServicehasbeenthesubjectofvariousenquiriesonworkceabuse,harassment, bullying,intimidationandoccupationalhealthandsafety...
1. From your own information and what you have been reading write what you believe is a good definition ofbullying. 2. It would be interesting to find out what the national statistics are on bullying in our country. Go to the following link and answer the questions that follow: The Teache...