Abull put spreadis a different bull spread, where the trader sells one put option and buys another. In a bull put spread, the trader collects the premium upfront, hoping to keep the profits when the options expire, unlike in a bull call spread, where the trader pays a premium hoping to...
The cost to put on a bull call spread may be considerably less when compared to the cost of holding an outright long position in the stock or contract. Cons of the Bull Call Spread Strategy There is no free lunch when it comes to options trading, and the bull call spread is no ...
The Option Wiz has over 29 years of stock and options trading experience. Visit our website for bull call spread, credit spreads, iron condor, covered call writing strategy, stock trading strategies, call and put options.
Relates Hart: “She also wouldn’t let me speak and told me to sit down and shut up and listen as well. That’s when the young man came toward me. I knew he was going to put his hands on me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I said to him “Don’t you dare touch...
If you're thinking about retiring, it's better to retire in a bear market than in a bull market. I've been “fake retired” since 2012 and I want to explain why this is so. I put fake retired in quotes because these posts don't write themselves. Mypodcastsdon't record themselves...
Credit spreads are defined risk trades. You know your potential max gain and loss when you put them on. If this is new to you, join the crowd. This is a strategy not many people know how to do, but I am now training thousands on this strategy each week. ...