The Bull Put Spread is a vertical spread strategy where the investorsells a higher strike price put option, shown as point B, andbuys a lower strike price put option, point A, within the same expiration month. The investor will receive a premium or credit, as the higher strike price put ...
A bull put spread involves selling one put option while buying another at a lower strike price, both with the same expiration date. This strategy allows traders to benefit from a stock's upward movement or simply remaining stable while limiting the risk of losses. The two put options form a...
bull spread是认为市场会涨,如果用call构建,那么买入低行权价的call(XL),目的是行权赚钱。同时卖出高行权价的call(XH),收取期权费来抵减成本。 》》》点我领取CFA 备考资料 而如果是用put,未来市场会涨,put不会行权,那么卖出高行权价的put(XH),目的是赚取期权费。但是担心市场是反向变化的,所以再买入一个低...
How To Use Bull Put Spread?Establishing a Bull Put Spread involves the purchase of an Out of The Money put option while simultaneously writing (sell to open) an In the Money or At The Money put option on the same underlying asset with the same expiration month . ...
Bull Put Spread Definition A bull put spread involves writing or short selling a put option, and simultaneously purchasing another put option (on the same underlying asset) with the same expiration date but a lower strike price. A bull put spread is one of the four basic types ofvertical sp...
Information on the term "bull put spread" is presented. It refers to the simultaneous purchase and sale of put options with the same expiry date, but with an exercise price for the purchased option lower than for the sold option.EBSCO_bspInternational Dictionary of Finance Edition...
牛市看跌期权价差(bull put spread)是指投资者在买进一个较低协定价格的看跌期权的同时,又卖出一个标的物相同、到期日也相同,但协定价格较高的看跌期权。对看跌期权来说,协定价格较低,则期权费也较低;协定价格较高,则期权费也较高。所以,在建立牛市看跌期权价差部位时,投资者所收取的期权费将多于他所...
Bull Put Spread Maximum Profit Maximum Loss Breakeven Final Words Long (Buy) a low strike call and Short (Sell) a high strike call Long (Buy) a low strike put and Short (Sell) a high strike put. Bull Call Spread This strategy is used when the outlook of the trader on the stock/inde...
Advantages of the Bull Put Credit Spread Strategy: The bull put spreads strategy is a BULLISH strategy, the entire profit can be realized when the stock price is above the short option strike price at expiration without closing either PUT position. Partial profit may be realized if the stock ...
Swaption策略: payer spread 和 receiver spread Payer Spread 和Receiver spread 是两个不同价格的option相叠加,策略其实就是bull call spread 和bear put spread。只是这种option的underlying是swap.(swap 和swaption 是OTC交易的. swap知识请看:网页链接)