Compaction as Affected by Bulk Density and Dry Density of a Soildoi:10.9790/4861-1204020613Mohammed MainaDale W MaiduguAliyu AdamuSunday Dauda Balami
The larger value of the flow rate is, therefore, reflected in the increase of the averagebulkdensity. From theCambridge English Corpus Estimating precompression stress of structured soils on the basis of aggregate density and drybulkdensity. From theCambridge English Corpus Compaction increased soilbu...
bulk density 美 英 na.松密度 网络堆积密度;体积密度;堆密度 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 松密度 例句 更多例句筛选
Bulk density and porosity Bulk density is the mass of dry soil per unit volume, typically expressed as g cm− 3. The proportion of mineral versus organic particles, to a large extent, determine bulk density. Organic soils have much lower bulk density compared to mineral soils (Table 1). ...
For the purposes of PECs calculations, thebulk density of soilscan be assumed to be # g/cm# dry weight, while the depth of the soil layer is assumed to be # cm for applications at the soil surface and # cm when incorporation in the soil is involved ...
摘要: Brady and Weil (2002) define bulk density as the mass (weight) of a unit volume of dry soil. Blake's (1965) definition states that this soil parameter is the ratio of the mass to the bulk, or...DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-3995-9_80 年份: 2008 ...
3.The data of soil bulk density,topographic factors and land types were obtained by soil sampling and measurements,deriving from DEM and remote sensing image,respectively.运用经典统计和地统计学方法,结合地理信息系统(GIS),探讨侵蚀黑土表层土壤容重空间分异与地形和土地利用的关系。 3)soil dry bulk densi...
bulk density容积密度,体积密度;单位体积重量 bulk cement散装水泥 dry bulk干散货 bulk material疏松物质 bulk polymerization本体(整体)聚合 bulk carrier散装货船,散货船 bulk production批量生产 bulk modulus体积弹性模量 bulk grain散粮;散装谷物 soil bulk density土壤容重;土壤颗粒密度 ...
To find bulk density: Obtain a sample of soil from the ground by using a cylindrical ring Bring the soil sample to the laboratory and put it in a container that is placed in the oven to dry. Then, transfer it to a balance and measure the dry soil's mass. Calculate the cylinder...
土壤容重对葡萄根系构型的影响 Effect of soil bulk density on root system architectures of grapevine※;