Dry bulk density (BD) is a key soil physical property, characterizing the level of soil compaction and controlling flow and transport of fluids and solutes. In this study, predictive BD models were developed from 2462 BD measurements of mineral soils representing both top- and subsoil horizons ...
analyzed by using Duncan-Chang model,from which the law of Duncan-Chang model parameters changes with dry density were drawn.The results show that,with the increase of dry density,cohesion and internal friction angle of soft soil are increasing,the tangent elastic modulus and bulk modulus increase...
Azizi Agh GHale B .2001. Effects of Three Kinds of Organic Matter on Maximum Dry Bulk Density of Soil (MDBP) and the corresponding critical moisture content (CMC) during compression. Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources 5: 49-63....
If the bulk density of the soil is known and C is measured, all values on the right-hand side of eqn [3] are known, so water content can be computed. Typically C is measured using a dual-needle thermal properties sensor. Figure 2 shows a typical dual-needle sensor. Sign in to ...
5) changing bulk density 容重变化 1. In order to clarify the effect of this kind ofchanging bulk densityon soil water retention,this study measured soil water retention curves under a series of certain bulk density for four undisturbed soils with centrifuge,analyzed the effect ofchanging bulk den...
Compaction is the process of increasing the Compaction is the process of increasing the bulk density bulk density of a soil or aggregate by driving out air. of a soil or aggregate by driving out air. For any soil, at a given compactive effort, the density For any soil, at a given ...
层(0~10cm)土壤含水率(soilmoisturecontent,SMC)的空间变异特征,并分析了其与容重(bulkdensity, BD)、毛管孔隙度(capillaryporosity,CP)、非毛管孔隙度(non-capillaryporosity,NCP)、土壤有机碳(soilorganic carbon,SOC)、碎石含量(rockfragmentcontent,RC)等土壤理化性质以及坡度(slopegradient,SG)、坡向(slope as...
Effect of water content, bulk density, and aggregate size on mechanical characteristics of Aquults soil blocks and aggregates from subtropical China Soil aggregate mechanical characteristics can significantly affect soil strength and are important soil properties to predict soil erodibility. However, in....
5.The application of measurement of blood volume on line to modulate dry weight during hemodialysis在线血容量监测对调整血透析患者干体重的应用研究 6.Effects of Soil Bulk Density on Water Use Efficiency of Maize under Drying and Wetting Condition干湿条件下土壤容重对‘陕单9号’玉米水分利用效率的影响...
In order to determine the extent of corrosion of a buried pipe in soil, it is essential to determine its pipe-to-soil potential. It is to be realized that a potential difference existing on a pipe surface can cause corrosion, similar to the situation in a dry battery cell in which zinc...